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Introduction From Australia

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Hi to all,

I've just joined your forum, so here is a little bit about myself.

My name is Ed.

I live in the state of Queensland which is of course located in Australia.

My hunting probably takes in a lot more variety than you people get in the UK.

eg: rabbit, fox, feral dogs, feral pigs, deer, water buffalo and wild duck.

I look forward to contributing to your forum, as well as gaining information from your side of the world.

As a starter, I am going to pose a question in the appropriate section with regard to Night Vision equipment.

Namely,,,,,,, Nite Site NS 200

Cheers, Ed


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  On 13/06/2014 at 22:03, *The*Field*Marshall* said:

Welcome to the forum Ed, nice to have folk like you on board. . Look forward to hearing of your experiences. Do you use dogs as well as guns??

Hi, and thanks,

Re your query on dogs, No I have dogs but don't use them hunting. I usually prefer to either cover ground (especially when after feral pig) on a Yamaha 660cc Quad, or find a hide and lay in wait and then snipe whatever I may be hunting at the time.

Cheers mate

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Well I have to say welcome at first but also hunting pig in the Aussie bush on a quad has been on my to do list and seems like an awesome experience, definatly put some pics up mate and tell us of it.

Edited by celticrusader
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  On 20/06/2014 at 08:39, celticrusader said:

Well I have to say welcome at first but also hunting pig in the Aussie bush on a quad has been on my to do list and seems like an awesome experience, definatly put some pics up mate and tell us of it.

Hi Celticrusader,

No worries mate, I will endeavor to put up some pictures.

Unfortunately it may not be for a little while yet, as I'm coming to grips with news that my 17 month old Rottweiler has got bone cancer. She has been given two months at best.

So hunting at the moment isn't exactly at the top of my list.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to he about your rotti mate my sister in law had the same with her rotti but old age got her in the end bless her,such a shame when that happens great dogs loving family pets too even no they have a bad rep over he in the uk.all the best mate hope she not in any pain

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