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Weird Dog

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  On 12/06/2014 at 22:50, Blackdog92 said:

If I was you mate I would turf it out the house and have it in a kennel.


She lives in a kennel mate. But they all come in the house at times.

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  On 12/06/2014 at 21:46, Ideation said:


  On 12/06/2014 at 13:52, SKA said:


  On 11/06/2014 at 05:34, paulus said:

only young and still unsure of its place in the pack

think she thinks it's the leader of the pack



Not a chance mate. . . . . . :laugh:


She knows EXACTLY who the boss is.


The question is . . . . . who is second in command? lol.


Seriously though, all of my dogs know that I am in charge, but this bitch has a real personality, and a real need to be interacting with me at all times.


Also, I think she is probably smarter than half of the folk on this site :laugh:


I've got a terrier bitch thats exactly the same, apart from mine barks like feck with excitement at the slightest opportunity to go out.


Thought she would grow out of it.


Well I thought that 4 years ago :laugh:

Everything is done at top speed, first out, first in motor etc etc etc

Now we've decided that she is just "a character" :laugh::laugh::laugh:


You'll get used to it mate, just sometimes gets right on your tits :yes:


Cheers, D.

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mines a complete nutter... not right in the head at all


he is totally utterly devoted to me... but will run a mile if anybody even people he knows well try to touch him or go within 10ft of him... cant be crated or left home alone for even 5mins as will rip the house apart in a frenzy so hes kennelled when im out


its taken him 9mths to tolerate my dad whom im currently living with... amount of times i left him kennelled and my dad took pity on him and let him in garden for him to do a runner on my dad and then id have to traipse home sometimes id only just reached my destination to get a phone call to say flynn has fled into distance like his arse was on fire


he also constantly has to be touching my hands with his nose and if hes excited he bites my hands continuously i have to wear gloves he bites so hard...



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  On 13/06/2014 at 12:05, BIG G wheton machine said:

In other words you have a psycho man biting, middle of the night barking baastard with a jealous streak that nicks your biscuits ? Lol


Aye pretty much :laugh:


I make her sound terrible. But she hasn't bit me.


And she isn't possessive with anything with me, she will give up anything I want to take from her, including quarry and food. She retrieves well.


But if another dog tries to mug her, she won't have it.


She was barking in the kennel last night, I went out to tell her to shut up. . . . decided to let her out for a piss and she bolted straight out of the kennel into the veg patch and nailed a rat . . . .


So I think I may have discovered the cause of the barking! Fecking rats.

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Ours bark like feck at hedgehogs they can hear rustling about in the garden at night. It only got worse when one managed to get in the back yard and was ripped to shreds in seconds :bad: Needless to say the Airedale and a couple of others who ended up sprouting spines from their snouts are now kinda obsessed by the poor wee critters. Bloody dogs eh! :laugh:

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