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Should everyone be allowed to have kids? Have it said more often than not that some people shouldn't own a dog. Well what about kids, I know loads are taken into care which suggests society agrees not everyone should have kids. I just wonder should their be some sort of test in place that decides for people? Just walking back from the shop with my little sister ( cost me a fiver to make her go with me but needed her to hold the dog outside and fancied bringing the dog ). Anyway way back a few doors along the family are sitting outside the front of their house. That in it self pisses me off lol think they make the place look untidy you have a back garden that's private f**k off and sit in there instead of outside like some sort of Romanian. Their daughter who's 15 says argh my arm, I didnt even ask but my sister asked what's wrong with it. Replies I've just got the implant because I've been getting fingered but my mum thinks I'm having sex. This was infront of the mum who just sat there and said nothing. My sister didnt reply lol don't think she knew what to say. Replied that while sat there smoking a joint infront of the mum. When we got in my sister said noone likes Shannon in school she's just nasty. Was quite easy to think bad of the kid tbh dresses like a slut and the type you'd hope never says hello to you in public. Really though she don't know any better and it's the parents fault. Is alot worse they get upto aswell. It's not just that family though. My own cousins both have 4 kids never done a days work in their life and got massive council houses with huge back garden ect. The eldest of both their kids both have been arrested and one was done for mugging another kid in the park with a knife. Just think my cousins are useless and the kids don't stand a chance of breaking the cycle.

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those whom choose not to contribute shoudld not be allowed to breed end of story, in fact theres a strong case for fetching it tests as to couples suitability to have children imho, Id also only allo

Be against human rights.   But about half of the population should NOT have kids.

if I broke words like that infront of either of my parents, I'd have got a f***ing slap to the heed. or a "clip on the ear" as me da would say   as far as lay abouts go, it makes my blood boil that

if I broke words like that infront of either of my parents, I'd have got a f***ing slap to the heed. or a "clip on the ear" as me da would say :laugh:


as far as lay abouts go, it makes my blood boil that our governments fund these c**ts. the reality today is that honesty gets you nowhere, but I still wouldn't stoop to their level.

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I almost felt as awkward as my little sister lol couldn't believe it. Got in and called my mum downstairs to tell her what shed said. My mum turns around n said it doesn't surprise her with them.


I don't think having money makes you a better parent automatically nor do I expect kids to behave like angels at all times. Parents will also make mistakes noones perfect and you can't read a book and become the worlds best parent. Just some people really haven't got a clue or don't care. It's easy to almost hate the kids. I wouldn't have my cousins kids in my house, simply say to mum their scumbags. Thing is I suppose my cousins are so is it any suprise. Ok my cousins aren't out mugging people with knifes but it's a different type of scumbag. They are proud to do f**k all and have no interest what so ever of getting a job. Given a lovely house that you probably could afford if you worked and that's not their fault that's the problem with the system. Thing is people look after things better if they've paid for it. My cousins have destroyed the place. Kids done graffiti all over their bedroom walls not to mention the holes in the doors. It's the kids who suffer at the end of the day. What chance do they have really when dragged up the way they are by useless twats.

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manners and respect cost nothing but have to start at home so when some parents know more kids means bigger house and benefits of course there going to breed and when they have them its easier to let them do what they want were they want as long has there not under there feet or going to argue back i watched some programme about a couple who had 15 kids and never claimed a penny he worked every hour he could and all the kids had certain chores which they got pocket money for has they were trying to teach them a strong work ethic they werent allowed out till it was done and respect for there home respect to that couple but dare the family you mentioned sadly there in good numbers in every town and city but that said i know some very good kids who were /are brought up with nothing and have gone on to do really well for themselves and fair play to them but society has a all is less respectful than it was and its no just scum either

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this is NOT me pissing and moaning, BUT>>>
i was brought up with nothing, literally nothing, but my parents ALWAYS brought us up to have manners, respect, courtesy to EVERYBODY. i have a young family and we are in the same boat, pretty skint most of the time, flat broke the rest of the time (!).

i work 40+ hours per week, barely pay the mortgage on my tiny house, but we try to be decent people and expect the kids to be the same. thats not a problem, we manage.


but what REALLY pisses me off is the fact that i know several families of which neither parent has ever had a job, who are currently booking their summer holidays. i havent had a holiday for many years now. they all have big flat screen TVs, x-box type machines etc and money for a session in the pub every week. i havent been to the pub since my daughter was born 3 years ago. some days i miss my lunch because i ve no money for bread.


why is this fair/ why is it allowed to happen??!! i'm not saying i should have all these things as i made my own choice on my career and various other aspects of my life, but why in gods name is the taxpayer subsidising non-workers to have this sort of lifestyle?

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No they shouldn't, I spend too much of my time dealing with the after effects.


Most people shouldn't breed, they have nothing to add to the gene pool, and they don't really WANT kids, they just do it because. . . . . thats what you do.


Same as dogs, folk get them because thats what people do.

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  On 10/06/2014 at 22:07, beast said:

this is NOT me pissing and moaning, BUT>>>

i was brought up with nothing, literally nothing, but my parents ALWAYS brought us up to have manners, respect, courtesy to EVERYBODY. i have a young family and we are in the same boat, pretty skint most of the time, flat broke the rest of the time (!).

i work 40+ hours per week, barely pay the mortgage on my tiny house, but we try to be decent people and expect the kids to be the same. thats not a problem, we manage.


but what REALLY pisses me off is the fact that i know several families of which neither parent has ever had a job, who are currently booking their summer holidays. i havent had a holiday for many years now. they all have big flat screen TVs, x-box type machines etc and money for a session in the pub every week. i havent been to the pub since my daughter was born 3 years ago. some days i miss my lunch because i ve no money for bread.


why is this fair/ why is it allowed to happen??!! i'm not saying i should have all these things as i made my own choice on my career and various other aspects of my life, but why in gods name is the taxpayer subsidising non-workers to have this sort of lifestyle?

I agree with you mate it's not right.

Iv worked since I have left school had a ok job and paid my own way.

All I can afford is an ex council house and normal car and the normal stuff you do.

Iv no kids and don't think I could afford to have two or three kids.

The same scenario as you.

People I went to school with have never worked a shift since leaving school.

Live in the same type of house next door and have more disposable cash.

I just don't f***ing get it.

It don't matter if you work or don't your just the same life style.

If your not mega rich everyone else seems to be the same.

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those whom choose not to contribute shoudld not be allowed to breed end of story, in fact theres a strong case for fetching it tests as to couples suitability to have children imho, Id also only allow those whom choose not to contribute to have food and clothing coupons and no actual cash at all, At the end of the day if you cant be bothered to contribute why should the rest of subsidise the whole shebang, see far too many frustrated working people every day worry written on their faces bills kids partners jobs recession etc, then ya walk down the road and 'they' are sat there as the fella before said tons of cans out, joints blazing , brood mooching about causing mayhem , half raged staffy wondering about bumming the neighbours goldfish, ya know the score :thumbs: its fecking disgraceful and disrespectful to those of us whom go out and foot the bill for it all,


Again its the suits screwing us cos they need the radgies vote every bit as much as they need ours ;) more maybe cos they got the time to take a leisurely stroll down the polling booth around 4pm :laugh:

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A lot of very intelligent and healthy people have a bad upbringing which makes them grow up to be a c**t,in another environment they could have been Nobel prize winners.


should they not breed and pass on their good genes?


likewise some unhealthy,unintelligent person might through having been well raised and educated become a model citizen that makes some contribution to society.


should they breed and pass on their poor genes?


as for kids being taken off parents by social care services,that's no gauge imo,more often just amoral people making their quotas so they don't lose funding I.e their jobs.

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  On 10/06/2014 at 22:07, beast said:

this is NOT me pissing and moaning, BUT>>>

i was brought up with nothing, literally nothing, but my parents ALWAYS brought us up to have manners, respect, courtesy to EVERYBODY. i have a young family and we are in the same boat, pretty skint most of the time, flat broke the rest of the time (!).

i work 40+ hours per week, barely pay the mortgage on my tiny house, but we try to be decent people and expect the kids to be the same. thats not a problem, we manage.


but what REALLY pisses me off is the fact that i know several families of which neither parent has ever had a job, who are currently booking their summer holidays. i havent had a holiday for many years now. they all have big flat screen TVs, x-box type machines etc and money for a session in the pub every week. i havent been to the pub since my daughter was born 3 years ago. some days i miss my lunch because i ve no money for bread.


why is this fair/ why is it allowed to happen??!! i'm not saying i should have all these things as i made my own choice on my career and various other aspects of my life, but why in gods name is the taxpayer subsidising non-workers to have this sort of lifestyle?

Similar start to me then,but likes been said manners cost nothing. Got a mongaloid family near me never done a days work between em.Got the latest phones,tv,etc holiday every year takeaways etc etc :censored: I work 6/7 days a week and have half the lifestyle.ITS JUST SO WRONG!!!!!!

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  On 11/06/2014 at 12:42, neems said:

A lot of very intelligent and healthy people have a bad upbringing which makes them grow up to be a c**t,in another environment they could have been Nobel prize winners.


should they not breed and pass on their good genes?


likewise some unhealthy,unintelligent person might through having been well raised and educated become a model citizen that makes some contribution to society.


should they breed and pass on their poor genes?


as for kids being taken off parents by social care services,that's no gauge imo,more often just amoral people making their quotas so they don't lose funding I.e their jobs.


"more often just amoral people making their quotas so they don't lose funding I.e their jobs."


Is that based upon any kind of factual information or experiance?


There are obviously cases where social services over step the mark . . . . .


But there are plenty of parents out there that abuse, torture, exploit, rape and generally make the lives of their children miserable.

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