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Why Not A Dog Show .......

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With the success of the fishing competition in only its second year why don't we as a collective organise a decent dog show come mini game fair ... We have plenty of dog men ferret men ... Shooters ..

The boxing ring next to the beer tent lol

any profits to go into a fighting fund for anybody harassed by rspca...........

I'm sure a small affair could be put together with a bit of effort.


I'm sure with all the land owners we would all know, a bit of land could be provided at a small fee.

The problem being the set up of a show, it would take a good few days I reckon, so fir some it would be a week off work setting it up.

I like the idea though, get this years comp sorted and see what we could sort..

It could be no more than a social gathering to start with and move on from there maybe?

Edited by NEWKID
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  On 10/06/2014 at 21:40, Brigzy said:


  On 10/06/2014 at 21:21, gonetoearth said:


  On 10/06/2014 at 19:58, Brigzy said:

To organise and successfully run a dog show, let alone a game fair, or even a "mini" game fair, is a massive undertaking ! Land needs to be provided, funds up front, insurance, permission from local authorities, etc. When we turn up and pay our pound to enter our dog, we haven't seen the work that has gone into the show previously.

Far better, I would say, is to talk to the people who already run shows and game fairs and ask if THL can put on some classes and side shows where all money would go to charity, in the name of THL and the show/fair involved; everyone's a winner, the organisation is already in place and we supply the enteries !!

. Lol who do you think runs all the shows on the gamefair and shows section on here

I know who runs some of the shows/game fairs, and as I say, it's a massive job, why do you think that is funny ? I only made what I thought was a decent suggestion. Your reply shows just how hard it would be to get people to organise a show/game fair from scratch.

how does my lol show you anything for f**k sake. Its not hard it just take orginisation and know how How would it be far better to ask Some one who has orginised a show to let thl members to run a show within there show robbing them of entries to their show yeh right. That would work
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  On 10/06/2014 at 15:13, gnasher16 said:


  On 10/06/2014 at 12:06, socks said:

Ok so we would need people to head up the following .....






Clay pigeon

Air rifle





Anything I have missed ........


Dont forget the little cage & aviary birds :icon_redface: .......best section on here in my opinion.


Good man Gnasher :victory: ,also how about a earth dog tunnel trial thing,did see one that was a wooden tunnel with a perspec side so you could see in with a few obsticles the terriers had to push past,under over through but can't find it on you tube at the mo :icon_redface: .

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  On 10/06/2014 at 18:01, Born Hunter said:

:huh: Yeah, piss easy, you did it....... :whistling:

lol fair play!!! not saying if i can do it no other kunt cant but there is a big difference between saying you will/can do summat on the internet and then actually pulling it off...... ;) when you have done something better for the site and its members let me no........ :thumbs:

Edited by clipo
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  On 10/06/2014 at 22:33, fireman said:


  On 10/06/2014 at 15:13, gnasher16 said:


  On 10/06/2014 at 12:06, socks said:

Ok so we would need people to head up the following .....






Clay pigeon

Air rifle





Anything I have missed ........


Dont forget the little cage & aviary birds :icon_redface: .......best section on here in my opinion.


Good man Gnasher :victory: ,also how about a earth dog tunnel trial thing,did see one that was a wooden tunnel with a perspec side so you could see in with a few obsticles the terriers had to push past,under over through but can't find it on you tube at the mo :icon_redface: .


When I ran the EELC show we did terrier racing a couple of years: placing a fox brush at the entrance of some tunnels made of welded rods: the sort they used to have in grain stores under sacks to dry the grain: covered with blankets, no, it was that green stuff they put on veg stalls in markets: some poor sod (me) had to run like feck dragging the lures through the tunnels: two at the same time, side by side, and try to get the lures hidden beneath a board before the terriers got hold of them :laugh::laugh: Good fun though.

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  On 10/06/2014 at 23:39, clipo said:


  On 10/06/2014 at 18:01, Born Hunter said:

:huh: Yeah, piss easy, you did it....... :whistling:

lol fair play!!! not saying if i can do it no other kunt cant but there is a big difference between saying you will/can do summat on the internet and then actually pulling it off...... ;) when you have done something better for the site and its members let me no........ :thumbs:



Don't be such a f***ing martyr! You set yourself up for that by taking from my original post that I was demeaning your efforts. By your own admission it'll be more difficult than a 30 man fishing comp so what's your big problem. I was hardly putting you down was I?

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If this is a go-er, I will help out with any IT requirements, accounting, obtaining any legal clearance etc.

I have a couple of plod contacts who are right into fieldsports and will help out....

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  On 10/06/2014 at 12:06, socks said:

Ok so we would need people to head up the following .....






Clay pigeon

Air rifle





Anything I have missed ........



Defo think an rspca/hunting prosecution fighting fund would be a good cause, maybe split between that and a childrens charity?

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  On 11/06/2014 at 08:25, STRANGER said:

You are arguing already this will all end in tears :laugh:


Personally think its a bad idea.

If you can get one person to administrate it, organise the people who are going to run each section etc then it can work, but as has already been said, there's a lot more work goes on behind the scenes than a lot of people realise, the least of which is one person who can pull everyone else together and make sure they do their jobs.

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