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Opening Up On Hot Scent


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one thing iv noticed recently is my little bitch will readily open up on a hot scent,both will open up when sighting a rabbit but if i see a rabbit run in cover as we approach you can see her instantly pick up the scent start quartering and opening up before following into cover,never seen it in any others iv been out with before, just wondered if its common or you see this in any of your own cheers.


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My old Beddy started to squeak when she caught scent,she became louder as she zoned in,then broke into full voice when in pursuit,you could read her vocal chord and know how close she was to her target,then know what she was on when she opened up.

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My old Beddy started to squeak when she caught scent,she became louder as she zoned in,then broke into full voice when in pursuit,you could read her vocal chord and know how close she was to her target,then know what she was on when she opened up.

i was thinking about this earlier,what if she in cover is she opening up on a scent or sighted quarry but its easy to tell the difference with her :thumbs:

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My terrier bitch hunts in silence when she's on a scent and only opens up on sighted quarry. The lurchers listen to her moving through cover and then really shift when she gives tongue. Good communication and team work!

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dont no about other breeds but the jagd terriers are renowned for it but seen a few and they all seem to do it

Classed as Failures if they DON'T..... :yes:

Reg..won't pass for Breeding ,seen as Failed Test....in Germany ,same as Hesitating to Enter water,after a Retrieve..

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  • 3 months later...

My old terrier Midge, now getting on for 10 years old, was much more vocal when she was young: yapped like a good 'un when chasing through cover. Now she only barks a few times, harshly, to get a stubborn rabbit to shift when she can't get right to it in thick brambles. Her daughter is also showing the same traits at only 5 months old: squeaking in pursuit out of frustration and excitement.

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  • 3 weeks later...

both lurchers and terriers rely on hearing more than we realize,they'll hear movement ahead of them in cover and charge forward

so a dog should hunt up in silence and open up once game is found, either on immediate scent or sight, obviously hound and gun dog crosses are a bit different again.


hounds find once they hit a scent, fresh or old. terriers and lurchers find once they jump up a rabbit, fox, rat, etc so they should only open up once they have found...which is what the majority of terriers do. voice is not vital in a bushing dog

spaniels are silent. modern spaniels, the spaniels of yesteryear were known for their voice,.


i like a good voice, its announcing a find in cover and tells you what direction the quarry is taking.


kev-medlock crew

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