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Had a wee incident of bicycle rage yesterday, the missus, the bairn and I along with the dogs decided to walk the 9 or so miles along the canal to edinburgh, now cyclists who ride along FOOT paths, foot being the operative word ring ringing their bell expecting you to move really does my tits in, I'd already just launched a stone at one of them who got mouthy as he cycled away (I hate that) anyway back to the event in question along the length of the canal are small bridges going across and the path under the bridges is probable less than a meter wide, single file through, I was slightly ahead with the dogs out the tunnel, the missus was halfway through I could hear the ring ring ringing and turned to look, the guy wanted past but there was nowhere for the missus to go and with that the cyclist banged the buggy forced his way down the side and it took my missus all her strength to stop it going in the canal, as he went past me, with no free hands I did what I could, rammed the nut on him, :laugh: he clearly wasn't expecting that as he wobbled along the path and half went int the reeds at the canal side, it took me all my effort not to volley him in the skull when I got up to him 1. For doing what he done & 2. For hurting me with his his helmet, he then must've clicked we were together and sheepishly apologised. I still wasn't happy but the missus was shouting at me for some reason so I helped the c**t out told him the errors of his ways and sent him on his merry way.......

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I had a funny little incident a few years ago im not the greatest driver in the world and i cut up one of these little hairdryer cars with a darkie gangbanger type driving......i flashed my hazards to

Lucky you didnt cut up kenny noye lol.

Following on from what born hunter said about laughing at them,,,,,try blowing them a kiss,,, feck me you can see the steam coming out there ears,,lol

Had a wee incident of bicycle rage yesterday, the missus, the bairn and I along with the dogs decided to walk the 9 or so miles along the canal to edinburgh, now cyclists who ride along FOOT paths, foot being the operative word ring ringing their bell expecting you to move really does my tits in, I'd already just launched a stone at one of them who got mouthy as he cycled away (I hate that) anyway back to the event in question along the length of the canal are small bridges going across and the path under the bridges is probable less than a meter wide, single file through, I was slightly ahead with the dogs out the tunnel, the missus was halfway through I could hear the ring ring ringing and turned to look, the guy wanted past but there was nowhere for the missus to go and with that the cyclist banged the buggy forced his way down the side and it took my missus all her strength to stop it going in the canal, as he went past me, with no free hands I did what I could, rammed the nut on him, :laugh: he clearly wasn't expecting that as he wobbled along the path and half went int the reeds at the canal side, it took me all my effort not to volley him in the skull when I got up to him 1. For doing what he done & 2. For hurting me with his his helmet, he then must've clicked we were together and sheepishly apologised. I still wasn't happy but the missus was shouting at me for some reason so I helped the c**t out told him the errors of his ways and sent him on his merry way.......



I`m always first to defend cyclists, but that bloke sounds like a cnut. You should have volley`d the fuckwit as well.

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Following on from what born hunter said about laughing at them,,,,,try blowing them a kiss,,, feck me you can see the steam coming out there ears,,lol


An old mate used to do that when white van men honked at his missus. Stuff like that and road rage is all about getting a rise out of someone, respond with something like that and they haven't a f***ing clue what to do. LOL

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Had a wee incident of bicycle rage yesterday, the missus, the bairn and I along with the dogs decided to walk the 9 or so miles along the canal to edinburgh, now cyclists who ride along FOOT paths, foot being the operative word ring ringing their bell expecting you to move really does my tits in, I'd already just launched a stone at one of them who got mouthy as he cycled away (I hate that) anyway back to the event in question along the length of the canal are small bridges going across and the path under the bridges is probable less than a meter wide, single file through, I was slightly ahead with the dogs out the tunnel, the missus was halfway through I could hear the ring ring ringing and turned to look, the guy wanted past but there was nowhere for the missus to go and with that the cyclist banged the buggy forced his way down the side and it took my missus all her strength to stop it going in the canal, as he went past me, with no free hands I did what I could, rammed the nut on him, :laugh: he clearly wasn't expecting that as he wobbled along the path and half went int the reeds at the canal side, it took me all my effort not to volley him in the skull when I got up to him 1. For doing what he done & 2. For hurting me with his his helmet, he then must've clicked we were together and sheepishly apologised. I still wasn't happy but the missus was shouting at me for some reason so I helped the c**t out told him the errors of his ways and sent him on his merry way.......



I`m always first to defend cyclists, but that bloke sounds like a cnut. You should have volley`d the fuckwit as well.

Don't get me wrong, see if they thank you for allowing them past im fine, if she wasn't tbere I'd have held the c**t under aswell, I half expected the bizzies to come walking along the path afterwards

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Had a wee incident of bicycle rage yesterday, the missus, the bairn and I along with the dogs decided to walk the 9 or so miles along the canal to edinburgh, now cyclists who ride along FOOT paths, foot being the operative word ring ringing their bell expecting you to move really does my tits in, I'd already just launched a stone at one of them who got mouthy as he cycled away (I hate that) :laugh:


Path at the side of a canal is called a tow-path, bizarrely walkers, cyclists and fishermen with 80ft roach poles believe they've somehow claimed rights, whilst the cyclist may have been a prick, i dont think cyclists ringing thier bell necessitates anyone moving anywhere, it's simply a warning of approach from behind, it's the very reason only the geniunely mental ring thier bell when approaching from your front...if your brains reading that the bell is an order then you may find yourself primed into butt-butt land.....subliminaly like.

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I'm quite laid back with driving,,,but little old vin is a c**t,,,road rage all the time,,,I'm always telling him to calm down,,lol


How very dare you...lol. I'm not the one who goes chasing after men in suits when they've given you the 2 finger salute.

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Oh, I did suffer one bout of road rage. And just for once I let it slide...


Me and two mates (three's usually a crowd but these two made any night comedy gold!) were out lamping, miles from anywhere. Driving down a single tracker the head lights hit a bloke running for all his life ahead of us. His run was funny and as we got closer we realised he was a dwarf. 'Where the fucks he off', we thought and my mate pulled up along side him, still running flat out, to find out!

At about 5mph along side him my mate wound down the window and before he said a word, the bloke turned toward him, with that evil dwarf angry face and yelled 'f**k off you Pleb!!!'

I'll never forget it, it shocked us all but my mate was dumb struck, gripped the wheel and simply drove on, with us howling laughing. I've never pissed meself so much...

Thing is, my mate is very quick to anger and is nobody's fool but that time he was twatted, verbally... He still gets ripped for it... :laugh:

I remember vin telling me a story of how he was running down the road one night when a car with three ugly fellas pulled up alongside him .............

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I can't understand how people can sit and just film something like that ... I would have to jump out and level things up .......

Not everybody has that kind of mentality though socks,,,maybe the film maker was very young,,or a woman,,,or even some men don't want to get involved,,, I know as a young fella I would have been very likely to have just sat there and froze,,,,that said the ambulance and police should have been called..

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