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Any Commercial Fishermen?

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this might be a daft question but are they a yearly thing to buy? like the 10 free tags you get, have to renew them off the fisheries?

you get tags ? You not just get a limit depends on the size of your boat and I think the licence is for life of the boat till you move it too another boat or sell it last boat licence for pots I heard round here was like 7.000 or some thing like that
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thought they make abit more than thats £25k then around £10k for licence that's not a lot.


I thought it was gona be like the deadliest catch £100k :laugh::icon_redface:

no some of the best skippers round are way on big trawlers for shell fish scallops and queenies make about 60 k a year that's on a double share deck hands make about 20 /25k a year just depends on the boat and the catch that's about avg but them pot boys are not net fishing as we'll you need a diff category too do shell fish and fish do you not
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cheers lads, I havnt a fecking clue :laugh:


defo thinking about a licence if they for life on the boat, something around £7000 would be ideal

it might of all changed but all my information on them is from Scotland so not sure if it's dif too England or not I'll ask a couple of folk next time I'm in the pub
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The licence it is for the life of the boat or longer. The only quotas you get are for pressure stock fish only, plaice cod sole etc. Non pressure stock fish like bass skate mackerel there is no quota you can catch as much as you can and as far as I am aware there is no limit for shell fish bar the size limit.



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Are bass and skate not pressure fish? Everything seems to be a bass nursery round here? Well, the outflows from the power station have been closed to boat anglers for aslong as I can remember, you wernt allowed to fish with sandeel within a mile of them but you could fish from the shore. Now that's been stopped aswell. Personally I think it's s good thing but stocks must not be good if they stopped it all together? (I don't know much about skate but I thought they weren't as plenty full as once they were? )

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Pressure stocks is basically the effort that is put into fishing for them. For example in northern waters there is very little commercial fishing for bass by big boats. In southern waters most of the fishing for bass by big pair trawlers is done when the fish start migrating from the southwest approaches. Once they spread out the fishery is not really viable to the big boats and is left to smaller boats, who really cannot subject the fishery to much pressure.


The nursery areas are to be honest a load of bollucks. But it looks good preservation wise. But, what they don't tell you is that by the time a bass is a legally landed size they have already left the nursery area. Most estuaries are now part or all nursery areas, as that is where the young fish spend most of their juvenile life.


Hot water outlets are a magnet for fish as it is a gourmet menu on tap. When power stations draw in raw sea water for cooling they also draw in whitebait with the water, as the cooling water is circulated it heats up and cooks the whitebait then spits them out at the outlet along with the spent heated water. Easy pickings for young fish.



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