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Hunting In The Rain?

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Other than waterproof clothing. Scope sunshade is a great idea to keep handy. It definitely keeps the rain out/off the Objective lens. I've been caught out in many a downpour well before now and the lenses soon become almost blinded by running water drops.


Building a good hide with a green plastic waterproof sheet for the roof makes a snug little den as well as a shelter for static woodland or hedgerow shooting or as a retreat from stalking afield if the weather's going to turn. I've shot pigeons, squirrels and rabbits from just one spot like this. My favourite hunting method!

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I`m with Pianoman on this, i ambush with air rifle and hides "all the time". Try putting up a medium sized green fishing brolley (hot weather too) and arrange your camo accordingly draping it around as well as over the top of the medium sized brolley.Dont forget to use plenty of natural grass, twigs,leaves, branches etc, etc. in your camo` to really blend you into the hedgerows.

I hate to walk around (mooch) in the rain as the water gets into your rifle too deeply for my liking.

Stay dry, stay shaded and hidden mate for excellent air rifle bags.



Edited by mark williams
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