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The First Kits I've Bred

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6 born sunday, 1 then died. polecat x silver both parents good steady workers. photos to follow. if anyone wants they can put their names down for one. just want a small donation for food.

I also have 1 sandy gill and 1 polecat due any day now. just trying to be patient! :D:victory:



Edited by potpoacher
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may as well reply to both posts at once!

can see where you are coming from as it does sound completely mad ;)

I have got the space, food supply, need some more workers and have homes for a few already. I can see where you are coming from but for once I did actually stop to think what was happening!!! :D

also, the one, you say less and less rabbits about but we are sunk under the things round here! I have just secured a couple more permissions heaving with bunnies so I may be offering a couple of days ferreting later on in the season, watch this space!



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Same here seem to be over run with the bloody things but it seems every other guys packing up ,but I've bred one liter a year for the last two years and now I'm back up to a dozen I'm no needing any more

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second lot came today. weird though, they were at least a week early! all the kits were really small (1 was about 1/2 the length of my thumb!) and 4 out of 7 died. I could have cried when I got in this afternoon!! :cray::blink::icon_redface: I suppose that If you cant handle dead stock, you shoudnt have livestock!

I hope the others survive as they are out of my favourite gill, she is about the hardest worker I have ever had.



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i am right over in the east of England mattyg.

went down to the hutches this morning and couldn't believe it. my little polecat gill was lying dead in the weirdest position with a minute kit dead beside her. she was completely twisted round in a corkscrew fashion. :cray: if anyone knows what could have happened please pm me because if it was my fault I want to know what happened so I can stop it happening in future or prevent it.

the other kits are all doing extremely well and the first lot are getting pretty big now.

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