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Attracting Wood Pigeons

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Hi could anyone tell me what attracts wood pidgeons e.g what they love to eat and what food will catch there eye and also if you can make ur own decoys out of card bourd e.g crows . Just general stuff that helps attract wood pigeons when shooting with a air eifle and not shotgun thanks alot

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  • 4 weeks later...

To attract a bird into an area to shoot is actually illegal. The GL states you can only shoot birds that are a pest.


Think of it this way, imagine a migratory species that were flying overhead, and you coaxed them in to landing then shot them. They weren't a pest though, even though they were on the land.


Your best bet is to study the land and see if pigeons are a pest there. If they're not, you're breaking the law.


I have 1 permission where rats, rabbits, and crows are pests, and others where it's just rabbits and pigeons (rats are always fair game, same as rabbits). With birds, things get complicated. If you want a great bird permission, find an orchard.

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decoys your only option really mate, its illegal to "bait" birds in for the purpose of shooting. also make sure you read and understand the terms of the general licence or you could come a cropper.

I only just found this out the other day. I had some good shooting years ago after loading some sweepings into fert spinner and putting it over half an acre of set aside stuble.

Edited by Tozer
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