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Gordon Brown Attacks Ukip !

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Gordon Brown made a speech today, and said; "I detest UKIP's policies" ! Well, he would, wouldn't he ?? He's the man who snuck off in the middle of the night to sign the Lisbon Treaty, giving away more of Britains sovereignty, two days after the other EU countries signed !! He's the man who said he was going to sell Britains gold reserves off, to buy Euro's, thus alerting the markets, and getting rock bottom prices for OUR gold !! The man is a traitor and an imbecile ! Now, I love the Jocks, and have many pals among them; but why oh why do they vote for this man time after time ? He doesn't represent his consituency, he dosen't attend parliament, he is only interested, like his pal Blair, in making money !!!!

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He had to make the most of his brief stint in power. He was never voted in as P.M and he knew he'd never be voted in again. The more they gripe about UKIP, the more I realise UKIP have them rattled. :thumbs:

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  On 03/06/2014 at 16:31, Taggy123 said:

I can remember when that cxxt forgot his microphone was still on and called that old lady a biggot. What a arrogant prxck.

Yeah, she said to him that she was worried about the uncontrolled immigration; he gave her that insane smile of his and said he understood her concerns. When he got into his car, he called her a "BIGGOT", not realising his mic was still on. Just another reason why we should not vote for the LibLabCon establishment, and vote for UKIP or an Independent !

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I was reading an article in the weekend paper that regardless of what people think about UKIP, they have changed a lot of people's attitudes. A comment that might have been considered "racist" (whatever that means) a couple of years ago can now be seen as a genuine concern about the state of our country.

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  On 03/06/2014 at 16:43, walshie said:

I was reading an article in the weekend paper that regardless of what people think about UKIP, they have changed a lot of people's attitudes. A comment that might have been considered "racist" (whatever that means) a couple of years ago can now be seen as a genuine concern about the state of our country.

I meet more and more people who are no longer afraid to voice their concerns about immigration, multi-culturalism and so on. If it makes British people confident in their opinions AND keeps c**ts like Brown, Cameron and the rest of them out of a job, then I say "Go Farage, Go UKIP !" :thumbs:

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When Farage said he would rather a family of Germans moved in next door, than a load of Romanian men, he was called a racist ! I would say this is a REALIST attitude, not a RACIST one !!! Anyhow; British, German and Romanians are all CAUCASIANS, so how could it be racist ??? Nationalist, yes; racist, no !! The Establishment are terrified of UKIP and will say anything to smear them; but your average Joe, the woman at the shops, the man in the pub, all can see who is telling the truth...... it's just convincing them to stop voting traditionally and vote with their heart !!

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