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just got my mamba off of longers7 aka harry he sent it to me yesterday and has not long since arived and the thing is brilliant so i put some 040 latex bands on it and gave it a quick whirl about 5 yards just to see how it shoots and its bang on fits like a glove i had 6 shots at 5 yards and this is what i did. i would recommend one of the mambas off longers7 aka harry or any other catty he builds cheers mate love the thing :yes::thumbs:




6 shots more or less in the same hole


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love the catty but i dont know what it is that attracts people personally. i know there pocketable but not many catties aren't. but in saying that ive seen the accuracy levels some lads have got with them. i supppse its the challenge of being able to shoot one properly that is drawing people in

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love the catty but i dont know what it is that attracts people personally. i know there pocketable but not many catties aren't. but in saying that ive seen the accuracy levels some lads have got with them. i supppse its the challenge of being able to shoot one properly that is drawing people in

what drew me in was its a challenge and very addictive trying to hit the spot you aim for its easy with a airgun its a challenge with a catty as i find i am always trying to be as smooth as possible and try to get everything the same like how i hold the catty and the draw pinching the pouch and so on
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