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This is probably all the wrong etiquette but I wasn't too sure how to go about finding out.


Basically, I want to know if it's possible/an option to buy the animals (birds, rabbits etc) people shoot? To feed my dog. She's fed on raw at the moment but I'm wanting to go to whole prey instead, and the nearest place to do it for me charges £20 or something daft for postage.


I am based in Southampton, Hampshire, but willing to travel. Any advice greatly appreciated, like I said I'm not sure if this it the 'done' thing so apologies if I offend anyone.


Thank you.

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There are plenty of lads that would proberbly supply you with your needs,,, but it's best to buy in bulk,,,my hunting partner and myself sell rabbits to a lady that keeps 5 very large dogs,,,she feeds hole carcass,,, and will buy 50 rabbits at time of us at £2 each,,, and freeze them,,,, then when she's ran out calls us,,, get a chest freezer if you haven't already,,, as it's unlikely that someone will just drop off 2 or 3 at a time...


There's plenty of lads in Hampshire that ferret for rabbits

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If I was closer in, I'd be cool to sell some on. At the moment I just drop them off at the farmers and give a few to friends that are on the drive home.


I ask people what they want, and if it's available, I let them know.


If you pop down your local shooting store, they'll probably be okay to put you in touch with a few people that might be able to help. Even some pest controllers might be cool with it.

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I think there is a chap advertises fox and rabbit control in the Lymington Times. Might be worth getting in touch. Look in the Livestock column.

Edited by planete
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