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A Hello From Me And My Lurcher (Pictured)

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Just joined this website today. I have quite a keen hunting dog on my hands. He mostly hunts rabbits, but there are the odd pheasant, squirrel, and even foxes that come under his radar!


Joined to gain knowledge and tips, and am also curious as to what you lovely people think my lurcher may be! He is 26 and a half inches at the shoulder, is 4 years old, and was found as a stray pup at approximately 5 weeks old. His ears are what stump me the most, they are mostly pinned back but when alert, they shoot up, like in the photo.


Any input on him is greatly appreciated.

Looking forward to getting to know you all!




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Hi Kathy,


Welcome to the forums, plenty of people all very alike in knowledge, experience and humour, as it goes.


I've known a few dogs like yours in the past, seems like they can trigger it when the need to. My partner had a dog for years where only one ear was lopped but both shot up should a cat be heard or be feeding time.

I can't help as such, it seems common but I know there's plenty of dog enthusiast on here to help and guide you.


Enjoy the forum anyhow, I shall catch you around



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