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Back at a place local to me out with George again .Plenty of sign here with every field showing the thrashings of a buck but as yet only one grassed early season despite seeing deer on a few occasions .One very good buck here which will hopefully fall in the rut but several lesser 4 pointers to sort first .Decided to walk the boundary of two farms back to back which proved a good choice .The evening was very still and muggy with thunder forecast and the going was slower than usual .George had borrowed a pair of bins which took a bit of adjusting on the straps before he was happy but we got there .Set off to the slopes on the lower ground ,always a good spot this time of year for a young buck to hold a doe or two .Just enough cover to make him feel safe but not enough to keep a harem.Signs of territorial marking were everywhere ,to the trained eye anyway lol but George is fast learning to pick up sign and points it out eag er for recognition .Several young saplings debarked and snapped,still wet, told the story any stalker wanted to know.Proceeded slowly not hard in this humidity glassing well ahead until we got to a fence we had to nogotiate .Double fence , boundary type with a ditch between and hedges you know the sort .I was over first with George passing the unloaded rifle and a crawled up the ditch side to peer over .A young buck was stood not 70 yds broadside in front a patch of cover staring at our attempt of a stealthy crossing lol.George however was hung upon the barbed wire and not going anywhere for a minute or two so i was forced to take the shot lol freehand to which he collapsed dead .The carry back to the truck was a sweaty affair i can tell you but rewarding as only a hunter will know .


Time for George to shake his dads hand,

edited to say the change to summer coat has been drawn out this year down here at least

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