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What Would You Do?

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What would you do?


2 guys very good friends for 15 years.

1 guy has 6 months of work due to illness.

Guy 2 offers to help him with a cash loan.

6 month later guy 1 starts to pay back the money in weekly installments.

Half way through paying it all back, guy 1 again isnt working so misses 2 weeks out apologising to hes mate.


Guy 2 starts to threaten guy 1 with going to see hes elderly folks to get the money from them.

Guy 1 cant believe what he's hearing and says. No your not going round there.


With that guy 2 picks up a meat cleaver and attacks guy1 , hes mate.


So what would you do in this scenario?

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Don't borrow money off guy 2

Was it Shakespeare who said;   " Never a Lender, or Borrower be; Or some c***t, with a Cleaver, may come looking for thee! "  

15 years down the toilet over money.......................id choose my friends more carefully.

If id been paying back weekly as promised and notified with apologies that i would miss 2 weeks due to unforeseen circumstances......then i would pick up a bigger meat cleaver and give him some of his own medicine then promptly pay back every penny i owed him and f**k him off for good :thumbs:

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I don't suppose it matters how bad the attack was, a clever attack is a clever attack!! Not all about the damage, but the intention for me. . Using a weapon like that I thank he meant business.


Goes to show doesn't it, when knowing someone for years, it's not the length, it's the depth that matters. .

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