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Butchers And Selling

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Not sure where to have posted this, sorry to all if its in the wrong place.


So I'm currently looking into all the possibility's before I actually get some permissions and go shooting. I'm looking at doing some pest/vermin control with my Air rifle. Now I've read some people go out and get 50+ rabbits or pigeons in a day. To me that's a lot, more than I'd want to keep in my freezer anyway. So I've thought to my self, I either just don't shoot that many (which may annoy the land owner if he's expecting to see lots of pest's leaving his land) or I do shoot that many and I see what i can do with selling the excess to a butchers.


I emailed J.C Rooks asking if they take Pigeons and Rabbits that have been shot and if so how much do they pay. I got the following reply:


We do purchase both those meats but they would need to be oven ready and we
would need to know quantities you could supply and the cost

Julie Rook"



Ok that's great so they do, but my question is:

Does anyone know if you require some from of Game dealing license or H&S Check, If your going to be prepping meat that will be eventually sold to the general population? As I've always assumed you would. Don't want to go ahead with that and find out its wrong/illegal with out some form of permit/license or HS training.


I have one other butchers that I'm going to contact that may take them off my hands. Hopefully whole as I not sure what I'd do with all those guts and fur, I've only ever done it a couple of times and that was at a friends house, pretty sure he just cooked it all off and fed it to his dogs. I don't have that option.


What do you guys do with your left overs?

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Not knocking your ability to shoot but good bags of upto 50 and plus are few and far between with an air rifle, not saying they don't happen just not very often or on a regular basis.

Does your permission hold good numbers of both rabbit and pigeon?


Butchers will take the odd few off you as will game dealers but all will want the puddings out immediately. Some will want them dressed, others will take them with the fur on.

I don't know what the score is with pigeons.


I suggest you brush up on your gutting and paunching skills and work out how much you are likely to shoot before you worry about supply and demand.

Best of luck

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game dealer here will only take unfrozen pigeons, so a chiller is required to get the numbers worthwhile for him to collect, rabbits/hares/squirrels he will take in there jackets with the guts dropped. deer must be correctly grollocked

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i think if you want to shoot and your not in it for the money just take your spare to a game dealer and give them him.. sooner or later you go home with a bag of meat. this is what i do when im shooting as i like to shoot and not money mad.


doing this i dont leave dead animals under the hedge and i can shoot all i see as i know i have an outlet. i also have a dog man wanting them, i give them free of charge as i know if i want a night out i just have to ask..

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should of added my dealer will take rabbit in the fur with guts in, squirral, hare, pheaqsant and crow.. who easts the crow i dont know but i used to drop him the odd one from time to time

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I'd start worrying about that when it happens. LOL


You'd be suprised how much game you can eat yourself. I like building up a surplus in the freezer then getting my dad to make a load of pies and terrines which a very conveinient and go quick.

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You might find friends, family, workmates, local pubs will suffice. Get some bartering going on, I like giving stuff away an all, especially if it's cost me next to nothing to get.

Whenever I go near the coast camping I all ways book a mackerel trip, just for the kids in our group of course lol!, we bring as many back as possible, dish em out at the camp to anyone who's about, met some nice folk over the years doin that, it's rare they never come wandering over with a bevvy later on as a thank you.

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Thanks Moxy, seen so many posts on the forums and some blogs I assumed this may a regular occurrence, currently no permissions, although my sisters Boyfriend is good friends with someone who owns a lot of land nearby that I've seen plenty of pigeons and the odd rabbit on as I've walked by, so will hopefully talking to him next month (going to wait till I've sorted out BASC insurance). As I said just looking at my options before doing anything like to have stuff planned out in advance. :) If I'm not going to be getting that many then I will be getting plenty of practice gutting and paunching as Rabbit tastes lovely.


An old friend of mine gave me the number of a game dealer he used to deal with before moving to US, so will give him a buzz Monday, see how he takes them, min and max he'll take (as he collects apparently). Don't think I'll be shooting Deer anytime soon Paulus, Currently nothing powerful enough to take one down as I don't have a FAC. Some day though :)


Cheers Mister hadn't seen that way of gutting them before, looks simple enough so will certainly give it a try :)


Yeah Smithie, not really in it for the money although I wouldn't complain about a little extra cash or a bag of meat from time to time. Yea I'd never leave any animals I've shot just laying under a hedge, out of respect to the land owner, animal and not seeing any of it going to waste.


Ahh nice Jonah, hadn't thought of pubs, may have some interest from a friend or two but most of my work colleagues seem to be anti hunting some get rather anoyed even if i just mention plinking in my garden. "You better not be shooting animals Dave" and all the usual stuff people complain about. Never been fishing before, none of my family are very outdoorsy people so didn't grow up with that, a few old school mates used to go but i was never interested during my teens but it's something i want to look into lol.

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