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R10/hw100/daystate/aas410 - Which Gun?

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Hw100. K means karbine S means sporter stock T means thumhole stock.   I get 92 good shots from my hw100kt .22   Thats 6 mags at 14 pellets and then an extra 8 shots i use to check my zero firs

Recently had just about every gun in your wishlist. I had two R-10's over the last 18 months and regretted selling them both. Last four months I have had two MK4IS's and was underwhelmed with both but

I'm in two minds wether or not to buy this and a scope but its old technology haha, anyone shot one of these?      

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I'm in two minds wether or not to buy this and a scope but its old technology haha, anyone shot one of these?




Old technology!? Lee, there's more than a few lads on here that would give you a 'friendly' slap for coming out with such blasphemy! lol :laugh::thumbs:

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I'm in two minds wether or not to buy this and a scope but its old technology haha, anyone shot one of these?





Is that a springer............... :blink::icon_eek:


There are a few good lads on here in that club :laugh::thumbs:


But as the saying goes and you pass the point of no return........................"You should have got a Pre-Charged" :whistling:

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Lol picking up my 1st pcp tuesday. Was originally getting a HW80 K, but after shooting my mate's HW80 K, and then trying a few more, including the 97, decided that although superbly built etc, they are just a tad too heavy, I'm not getting any younger lol. And the rifle I'm picking up tuesday feels superb to shoulder/handle and the weight scoped up is perfect for me. Good luck with with your choice lee, whatever you decide on :thumbs:

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Jesus. The rifle you 'could have' if you got ya sen a 97k... with all that money spare... Tune the bollox off it and top it with some 300+ quid glass. It'd shoot the arse off any pcp and you'd feel better for it.

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Jesus. The rifle you 'could have' if you got ya sen a 97k... with all that money spare... Tune the bollox off it and top it with some 300+ quid glass. It'd shoot the arse off any pcp and you'd feel better for it.

Lol, might do that once I get back into it all properly, but yeah, I get what you're saying :thumbs:

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Recently had just about every gun in your wishlist. I had two R-10's over the last 18 months and regretted selling them both. Last four months I have had two MK4IS's and was underwhelmed with both but were very accurate in single shot mode. Put the magazine in and I got rubbish groups, didn't like the trigger. If people think Daystate offers good engineering then they have never tried rifles of real quality.


In January I got a spanking new HW100T with a beautiful stock. This gun was on a level above the Daystate and very accurate. How can I say this, well it was dead,, just no fun for me personally if that makes sense. Best magazine system I ever tried. Anyway I shoot mostly HFT so I traded that in for the HW101, again, very accurate but poorish shot-count so sold that within a fortnight. One gun I do miss is the S400 which does everything that any other pcp can do and at a good price. I regret selling that one on the basis I had a custom stock on it to die for. So, two weeks ago I got myself another R-10 MK2 and it's just the gun that ticks all the boxes when I want some fun, but I have been lucky in having three of them that were faultless (so far). All will serve you well but the premium a Daystate will cost gives you nothing over the others in any area.

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i wouldnt bother with the springer mate go pcp also i wouldnt buy new either go mint s/h get alot more for your money by all mens go and have a look and a hold at the gun shop but youl lose alot less money if any buying second hnd mate soon as you buy the gun youve lost 200 quid mate

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