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Ken Gould Terriers

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Ken never set out to be famous he just loved terriers and the other stock he surrounded him self with s Like most things in life people talk then legends are made stories are told differance is now a days. Its all over the net people who have never spoke to the man form opinions , i met him as a kid and was lucky to get a good un that started me off , who knows what would have happened if it had been a HEDGE HOPPER. LOL

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Youve answered the question yourself mate. Hes buying in "made" dogs. Hes getting someone elses shite. Sorry to be so blunt but thats it in a nutshell.   pernod....

And your friend keeps buying them?   It tells me Gould is a genius.

If your mates had a "few"that have failed.. then whose to say that its not him who is the weekest link and not the dogs. Just a thought like.   pernod

I've never met the man but I have bin out terriers that he personally bred and sold to a mate of mine I'm not knocking the man but just don't get the selling terriers thing and when money comes in to the sport it spoils it in my opinion that is

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Guest alcapone



wy do people always run down men when a few dogs don't work out.I have seen Gud dogs mated from worker 2 worker with no fancy names and being pure shite

Undertaker not running anyone down because the dogs didn't make it as stud dogs....I'm saying they WOULD/WILL never produce a line,should never have even been attempted with their breeding either,they were not bred that way.......I'll use a phrase I see so often on here "You can't educate pork!" If you don't understand the simple statement originally made then that phrase applies to you!
The nan bitch has produced a good litter every pup made the grade and pups from those dogs are doing the stuff as well and they are tested week in week out
How many litters did nan have aaron01? Was she bred back to sons of tro or turbo? Or was she just out to random dogs for worker to worker? I've stated and will always state troy turbo and nan along with their other siblings cannot and will not produce "a line of dogs" I'm not on about one litter I'm talking a "line". So how many litters has she had to produce this " line" aaron01? Edited by alcapone
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I've never met the man but I have bin out terriers that he personally bred and sold to a mate of mine I'm not knocking the man but just don't get the selling terriers thing and when money comes in to the sport it spoils it in my opinion that is

I've never met the man but I have bin out terriers that he personally bred and sold to a mate of mine I'm not knocking the man but just don't get the selling terriers thing and when money comes in to the sport it spoils it in my opinion that is

You don't get the selling terriers part? Why is it a new thing selling terriers or is ken the only one that sells them? Sort your head out ffs people sell terriers lurchers hounds etc big fuking deal! get over it.

Edited by Bazil brush
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wy do people always run down men when a few dogs don't work out.I have seen Gud dogs mated from worker 2 worker with no fancy names and being pure shite

Undertaker not running anyone down because the dogs didn't make it as stud dogs....I'm saying they WOULD/WILL never produce a line,should never have even been attempted with their breeding either,they were not bred that way.......I'll use a phrase I see so often on here "You can't educate pork!" If you don't understand the simple statement originally made then that phrase applies to you!


Do you think if Troy&Turbo had been open to stud like Spartacus, and had both produced 35 litters before the age of 2 1/2 then there would have been more chance of them producing, and what about Smithy was he not also ped unknown, and probably one of the most important stud foundation dogs

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Guest alcapone

Gasman was waiting for smithy to pop up,name one other dog like smithy that's had as much as influence as him on the black dogs? Can anyone name a dog that was good enough to stand in the same calibre as the great Smithy?? Troy and turbos brothers and sisters were bred plenty here and produced f**k all so its not as if its not been put to plenty of bitches because it was. Troy and turbo were NOT nowhere near good enough to breed a line from. There were none of the same blood to put them to gasman therefore wasn't worth a f**k breeding from. Troy and turbo are a patterdale equivalent tothe great M&C's CH Stormer,an ace in his own right but produced fuckall due to him being a battle cross,end of the line,non producer,maybe put to 25 bitches he would have produced some good dogs,but not a consistent line due him not being bred that way.

Edited by alcapone
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Gasman was waiting for smithy to pop up,name one other dog like smithy that's had as much as influence as him on the black dogs? Can anyone name a dog that was good enough to stand in the same calibre as the great Smithy?? Troy and turbos brothers and sisters were bred plenty here and produced f**k all so its not as if its not been put to plenty of bitches because it was. Troy and turbo were NOT nowhere near good enough to breed a line from. There were none of the same blood to put them to gasman therefore wasn't worth a f**k breeding from. Troy and turbo are a patterdale equivalent tothe great M&C's CH Stormer,an ace in his own right but produced fuckall due to him being a battle cross,end of the line,non producer,maybe put to 25 bitches he would have produced some good dogs,but not a consistent line due him not being bred that way.

al who`s saying anyone tried to produce this troy turbo line your on about or have I missed a post somewhere ?

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i think he's on about a bull, not the russell Stormer..?

don't ch mean champion in the states ----- its not chris h stormer js...

Edited by the_stig
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i think he's on about a bull, not the russell Stormer..?

don't ch mean champion in the states ----- its not chris h stormer js...

Stormer seems a famous name ,did Ken breed it ?


the stormer I know was a Russell threw good gear and grafted ch was supposed to have some stormer gear on his yard mixed in with his own stuff... pm on its way

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Guest alcapone

alcapone are you trying to tell us that turbo troy and nan havent produced gud working dogs.just shows us you are wrong plenty of Gud working dogs off that line Jack ass

Undertaker have i touched a nerve there? I never said they wouldnt produce some workeres as law of averages says they will........have you got dogs that are "line" bred on troy and turbo or are these just random mateings to different bitches? Your very well educated on dogs that you dont know the breeding of i must say! Stig im not looking to fall out with you and im NOT slagging ken,far from in,but im saying them dogs will not produce a line,i see plenty on thl asking about tdoy and turbo lines.....there are NO line,they were individual dogs that were good workers but not the basis for a line. It was Stormer the bull i was refering to not the russell dog. You know lads,old ken was even fukd on his deal with turbo....he was "lent to a man" who then saw it fit to "lend" him someone else,first ken knew of this was a phone call from the man who had him ringing to say he was dead. Troy was left in a box in the back of a car on a hot day and died......who's the "jackass" now undertaker????
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