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An Honourable Thing Indeed

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A couple arrested in Pakistan on suspicion of killing their 15-year-old daughter with acid say they carried out the attack because she looked at a boy. The girl's father told the BBC that they feared she would bring dishonour on their family. Her mother said it was her "destiny" to die that way.




Thankfully the family's honour has now been restored. The girl had apparently looked twice at a boy... just what would the neighbours think!


This is so far removed from everything I know that I can't really find words to describe what I think about these backward fcuking people, I just thank my lucky stars I was born into a civilised society.


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their was another honour killing yesterday aswell,her dad and brothers beat her to death with house bricks and just left her in the road and all this was just feet away from a pakistan government building,,,,her crime was she fell for the man she loved and not the one her dad had chosen :censored:

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their was another honour killing yesterday aswell,her dad and brothers beat her to death with house bricks and just left her in the road and all this was just feet away from a pakistan government building,,,,her crime was she fell for the man she loved and not the one her dad had chosen :censored:



She was also 3 months pregnant.

............and several police officers stood idly by! This type of incident happens regularly in countries ruled by the rligion of peace, but I really wish the media would stop calling this kind of ritual murder 'honour killings' - can't see a great deal of honour on display myself !

Edited by Blackbriar
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