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Anybody Seĺl Whole Deer Carcass On Here ??

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Its abit pricey at the moment for dog mince, your better off collecting the breasts from your local game dealer or who ever, its the cheapest cut and has some fat to it. I would offer you some but as most do it goes for burgers and sausage. That been said my dogs all get venison and thrive off it. Best of look mate

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I love my dogs but venison sirloin as dog mince !!!...Of cuts , bones , liver (old beasts ) , hearts , lungs etc , yes , but haunch & sirloins :huh:..besides it makes them fart something rotten .... :laugh:...

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Dom, lighten up fella , their is nothing of any size in season , if you want a carcass your need something like a fallow /red/ sika to make it worth doing . A little roe buck / muntie wont feed much for long ... PS ..if I feed them sirloins will it make me a dog man ?

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To the OP.If you are the dogman you say you are then why the feck are you asking for a carcass on here ,go get your own ffs .Much much more satisfying and cheaper .In my opinion for what its worth dogs pass 70% of any rich protein source so why waste it .Unless you are mixing it with white meat i see no gain to feeding venison to dogs unless its free eg road kill .So you see why people are a bit confused by your post asking for venison for the dogs ,like feeding cats on caviar .

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