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Just See What I Have To Put Up With ....?!

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  On 28/05/2014 at 23:47, Hot Meat said:

What disease did it have it still have?


Can't remember, off hand, mate. It's a known thing though. Nothing new or spectacular about it.


" Neo ..... " something or other? When Pat told me ~ and he was repeating what he'd heard the vet say ..... I knew, straight away, that the first part mean't something that made sense to me.


It was Neo or Pseudo some such. I recognised it must mean 'That which acts in a fashion affected or similar to', sort of thing. I don't know if I'm making sense to ye here? Second part mean't f**k all to me though. " Secoriolsis " or what ever.(" Secoriolsis " = randomly made up word, by the way!)


Either way, yes; It can be carried by Dogs (amongst other vectors) and does them no harm. Having read up on it, I was perfectly happy to let Evil Little Dog amongst my lot, and my horses. (Not that she goes near the stables) I'm not breeding them anyway.


But, it is known for causing spontaneous abortions in cattle. I suppose the Dog shits on the silage / hay put down for the shedded cattle. It gets trod in and they eat it?


So, I took Evil Little Dog off Pat's hands. And he went straight out and got a f**king Cocker Spaniel! :icon_eek: But, he must have known, from the vet's, that the chances of Any Dog transmitting this pathogen were minimal.


He certainly never mentioned having this new pup tested for this thing. And his last Dog never gave him this trouble either.


Really must try to remember to ask him about this, next time I see him.


Though, as he's f**king near old as me, I'll probably forget to ask. He wouldn't remember anyway.


So, we'd stand and stare at the middle distance. Spouting random shit at eachother. Neither quite catching or comprehending what the other's been on about.


Until we hurried home. Pat, to his beloved f**king cattle. Me to my own hairy children.


Ever heard of " The Quare Folk, Of Felling " ?


Either way, there's some pretty f**king 'Quare' folk around here. I'm delighted to be part of them. We get on :yes:

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Was it something like Toxic-plasmosis Pete ??

Not sure I've spelt it correctly but a farmer I worked for had a problem with cats pissing in his hay which caused 100 ewes to abort their lambs that particular year.

It's also the same reason that pregnant women are advised not to do any gardening, or at least wear gloves, as it can be transmitted to people.


As for the wee terrier ?

Admit it, you let it sit on your lap every night feeding it biscuits while watching your soaps, LOL.

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Neosporosis Pete. Dog eats grass and passes it about the fields when it shits.. Dont like to admit it, but adam off cuntry file was on about it a while back, urging all dog walkers to pick up after themselves, no matter how remote you think you are.

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  On 29/05/2014 at 08:28, pip1968 said:


  On 29/05/2014 at 08:18, paulus said:

buttercups are responsible for more gut problems in cattle than dog shit will ever be :laugh:

buttercup caused a lot of problems on this site aswell :laugh:


i got a job with Stanley, he said, id come in handy. he started me on Monday, so i had a bath on Sunday :laugh:

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Neil; Pat's pathological dislike for feral cats is about on a par with my own. And that's going some!


No worries though. Between my absolutely brilliant old cat cage and my rifle, I keep on top of things ;)

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