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Any Advice Please

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Bit long winded, but is it worth trying to give him a positive experience in the same spot and build him up gradually e.g. feed him in the same field but right in the middle and gradually get him closer over the course of time.


It's so difficult to give advice for things like this as there can be no way of knowing which signals a dog is picking up on. One example, my old kelpie is deaf now so I have to use hand signals coupled with a light tap on the back. To put him out in his kennel at night I was using a beckoning motion with a raised hand which he got immediately. However, sometime later, he was a bit slow coming into the house as he trotted up the garden so I used my new "come here mate" sign. He suddenly looked really dejected, turned around, head down and ambled back to his box. It wasn't until he'd done this a couple more times that it clicked...I meant "come here" but he thought that hand movement meant "get in your box." Poor old sod!


So, as I said, think each stage through as there's no way of knowing which part has effected him and in what way. He may think, "I don't like electric fences" but it could be, "I don't like THAT electric fence," or even "I don't like fences when I'm chasing rabbits."


Take your time and I'm sure he'll come good.

Edited by Neal
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My old saluki cross got cought up in one years ago,, she was tangled for a good few seconds,,,she went really odd for a long while,,,wouldn't chase anything,,,took me months for her to get over it,,,


On the flip side this little pup I have,,has been zapped no end of times,,and it don't seem to bother her,,,,different dogs take it different mate,,,,although I think my old saluki response was extream

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I had a collie cross that got tangled one night in electric pig wire fence. She managed to get out of it but just stood and watched the rabbits running to ground.


The next field she was back to normal, this was at the end of the season. The next year went to the same farm and she was working as usual but as soon as we got to that field she refused to leave my side. She never ran a rabbit in that field again. Yet the funny thing is she had been stung before and after yet that did not stop her, I put it down to her tangling in the fence and having many belts off the fence.



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some dogs will get over it and others it shys of for life. my old dog will go a field out of his way to avoid a electric fence unless he can scent alot of game in the field and that was caused by a good shock from a mains fence.

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