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Hi all,


Looks like i'm leaving all my lovely permission in and around Birmingham and moving out to the country in the Hereford / Welsh Borders.


Now i have always wanted to do this, but now i'm actually making the commitmment i have realised i will have to start all over again, New Permission, trying to find new hunting partner ect...............

Also i will have to thin the pack down a bit as i will be renting for 12 months, and 6 dogs is alot to convince someone to let me keep at there house...


Any advice or tips, or anyone around the Kington, Knighton area's who can help would be much appreciated.






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I wish you the best of luck in your move: funnily enough we were thinking of moving out that way: but luckily we were told that they weren't going to knock our house down after all! LOL


I'ts so much more laid back out West and the people are really friendly: didn't see that many rabbits kicking about though :unsure: when we went over for a visit.


It's a scary thing upping sticks and moving: the permission thing can be a b*stard: all those years of making contacts and getting known in an area only to have to start from scratch> best of luck!

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Hi all,


Looks like i'm leaving all my lovely permission in and around Birmingham and moving out to the country in the Hereford / Welsh Borders.


Now i have always wanted to do this, but now i'm actually making the commitmment i have realised i will have to start all over again, New Permission, trying to find new hunting partner ect...............

Also i will have to thin the pack down a bit as i will be renting for 12 months, and 6 dogs is alot to convince someone to let me keep at there house...


Any advice or tips, or anyone around the Kington, Knighton area's who can help would be much appreciated.






wheres the permisson in brum :hmm::whistling::D

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Good luck Gary. I must admit I am quite jealous but maybe I'll get there one day.


(And Roybo, his old permission will be closer to me than to you :victory: )

yes john if it's closer to you i'm usually over there anyway :tongue4: :D

good luck in the move gary,was out that way the other week lovely part of the world

hope it works out :drinks:

Edited by roybo
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Hi all,


Looks like i'm leaving all my lovely permission in and around Birmingham and moving out to the country in the Hereford / Welsh Borders.


Now i have always wanted to do this, but now i'm actually making the commitmment i have realised i will have to start all over again, New Permission, trying to find new hunting partner ect...............

Also i will have to thin the pack down a bit as i will be renting for 12 months, and 6 dogs is alot to convince someone to let me keep at there house...


Any advice or tips, or anyone around the Kington, Knighton area's who can help would be much appreciated.







i live around the birmingham area, and would happily take on the permission you are giving up :angel: .


Good luck finding somemore permission. :thumbs:

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