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Lab X Doberman Rescue Retriever?

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Hi all,


I'll start by saying that I have never trained, or even though about training a dog for hunting, so please forgive my ignorance, here goes...


So I've had a Lab x Dobe bitch that I adopted from kennels for about a year now, she is a lovely, attentive mutt, loves to fetch anything you throw, and is quite adept at flushing allsorts when we're out and about. She is very curious, and very, very alert. She's approx 3 years old.

I've had dogs all my life, and both of mine (the other is a Rotti x Akita, also rescue) are both well trained in basic obedience and walking to heel, I am perfectly comfortable and capable when it comes to dog training in general.


As such my question is double barreled;

- Do you think I would have much success training her up as a retrieval dog? Taking into consideration that she is a cross from unknown stock, but very enthusiastic, attentive and a quick and eager learner.

- What would be the best way for me to start teaching myself how to train a gundog? Does anybody know of an exceptionally good book/ series of books, or perhaps a good gundog man in my area (I live just outside Middlesbrough) that would be willing to point me in the right direction?


Any advice would be very much appreciated.

Cheers all.



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