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Might Sound Like A Bit Of An Odd Question . . . But . . .

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So, I was wondering if anyone out there was planning on breeding from their bitch in the next couple of years.


More specifically, I was wondering if anyone out there was planning on breeding from their decent lurcher bitch, by putting a whippet over her?


I'm sure some folk can think of nowt worse, but i'm also sure that there may be folk out there who want to breed a lurcher x whippet litter.


Anyway, the long and short of it, is that I keep a whippet dog, and I am starting to think that I really would like a pup out of him, not now, but he will be five by the end of this coming season, so I reckon I wouldn't mind getting his blood on the ground sometime between the age of 5 and 7.


The thing is, I don't really want to put him to another whippet. I'd like a pup out of him and a lamping bitch.


He's as well bred as any other whippet really, got him direct of MB, and he was the pick of a good litter.


He's 22", 18 KG, and I think has a fair bit to add into a gene pool. He's driven as they come, has a nose like a hound, hunts like one to. Never taken a backward step from anything, i've let him try his hand at some things that "whippets can't do", and he's come up with the minerals.


He lamps well, he can hunt up, but that's more down to my early training (or lack of) on the lamp, than anything else. I'd say he catches a lot more than he misses, and is an exciting dog to watch. I run him on mostly hard, educated rabbits and he'll take 7 out of 10 regularly.


He's done a hell of a lot of ferreting, and knows his way around the game better than a lot of folk i've met. And he's a great mooching dog, hunting up and catching his own game, fur and feather.


He's a well put together dog, nice conformation, good feet, chest etc. Got good stamina for a sighthound and a decent turn of speed, although he;s more a strong whippet than a fast one if you know what I mean.


Downsides are, he's a funny wee bigger, and doesn't like lamping with other dogs (or even other people) present, and barely tolerates other dogs ferreting (apart from johnnyboys old bitch for some reason), but is happy to work in a pack when mooching. Oh and he's a thieving b*****d in the house.


Anyway, I'll quit my rambling. I just thought i'd float the idea out there and see if anyone was interested . . . . .

Edited by Ideation
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I have considered putting a whippet over my bitch a few times. I don't think I will now, my pup is doing well and as much as I would love another lurcher for out with us in the daytime, I want to continue putting all of my time and efforts into the pup for a couple of seasons.


I weighed up the pros and cons like you have and I definitely think you could be onto something.


All the best.

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Thinking of crossing my we beddy whippet is your dog aggressive with other dogs ?maybe to small for you just a thought got a dog lined up but would make a nice 3/4crosssith a straight whippet over her

Edited by nothernlite
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R.E Putting the dog over my bitch . . . . . .


She is 10/11 months now.


I wouldn't know what I have with her really, until somewhere around 2017/18, by which time the whippet will be 8/9 years of age. And that's only if he makes it to that age, and if she makes the grade.


It's not out of the question. . . . . . . but it's full of maybes and what ifs.


Also to be honest, she wouldn't be my first choice, for a few reasons.


I'd rather get a pup out of him, put to another good lurcher bitch, keep a dog pup out of that mating and in years to come put that dog over my lurcher bitch. But it's all academic.


NL - No he's not at all dog aggressive, only two dogs he has ever fought were twice his size and started on him.


Like I said, I just figured i'd float it out there, and see if anyone was interested in any way, gives me something to think about.


Also, to be fair, I wouldn't mind seeing what kind of pups he throws, as he is unproven on that front.

Edited by Ideation
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I know u wouldnt want a pup From this mating but I have a good greyhound lined up for a few years time and a mb bred whippet is what I want and yours ticks the boxes.


Wouldn't be my first choice of pup certainly. But if you fancy using my lad and he's still here, and the bitch is a good bitch. . . . . . then you'd be welcome.

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