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Little Hunters First Rabbit

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Sean(vislauk) called to mine to day for a cuppa and said he was going to go to the farm so i said i would go to and take little hunter with us as most of you know he is my grandson and have not been out with him in quite a while so a time was set and off sean went to cut his grass and get him self ready.


i then phoned my son in-law and told him i would pick Ethan up for his tea and i would be taking him shooting and that he would be staying at mine to night.


7,30 was the time arranged and off we went we picked sean up and headed to the farm once there we zero,d the scopes in and headed off for a wander sean went one way and we went another as we approached the play ground i saw a rabbit run across from under one of the climbing fr-aims and stop i told little hunter to go prone and shoot it from under one of the tables that are set out as he could not see it standing up.


By the time he had got down it had run off so we lay waiting for it to come back out we lay for a little bit when it did come out but a little bit further down he took aim and as i watched through the scopes he let one go skimming it across the top of its head not a hit but must of gave it the fright of its life.


We walked over to one of the tables and sat down Ethan lay down with his rifle and as he did another one came running out from the climbing frame he took aim and let one go another miss but it only moved about a foot but its head was now not in view so he took another shot this time in the heart,


down it went it was only a kit but hey its still a rabbit and his first so he set away gutting it and skinning it.He then put it on the table next to his rifle and waited on his uncle Sean as he calls him Sean is my best mate and one of the family and as Sean walked over to us Ethan ran up to the fence and shouted i got one and Sean sang his praises to the bain.


I must add that this perm is open to the public but closes and we are only aloud on at specific times just to let you all know that we are not shooting on just eny play ground and that there are no Jo public around when we do shoot on this perm.


And to top the night off little hunter was the only one to get one me and Sean blanked as far as rabbits go but we did get a few crows atvbmac :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:








Edited by bigmac 97kt
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Sean(vislauk) called to mine to day for a cuppa and said he was going to go to the farm so i said i would go to and take little hunter with us as most of you know he is my grandson and have not been o


Nice one, Mac!   It's good to see him getting his hands dirty too, you kill it, you clean it!

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Nice one mac. Top job little hunter :thumbs:


Cheers moxy you shood of seen his face .you would of thought some one had given him a top play station game :laugh::laugh::laugh: atvbmac :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

Hopefully the start of things to come. I have trust in he is receiving top mentoring.

Credit to you both.


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