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Scope Silverfoil Jig

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Hello everyone.


I'm just having some trouble with my MTC Scope. The shots are all going low. Using a springer, and have tried to zero at 15, 20, 25, and 30 meters. Not once was I able to zero the scope vertically. I kept needing to increase the 'up' gauge. But it hit it's vertical adjustment limit. Initially I thought it must have been hold over, but when I increased the distance to zero, hoping to remove the need for holdover, it still was shooting low. Again, I applied maximum vertical adjustment, and still not shooting high enough. At no point was I able to sort it.


So I've resorted to a silverfoil jig in the back scope bracket, as a way to adjust the angle that scope intersects the pellet's trajectory, thus allowing for proper vertical as well as lateral zeroing.


Has anyone else had any success with this system? What other techniques have people found to work? Is there anywhere to send the scope to get it re-calibrated, like a scope MoT and Service centre? I've always just upgraded and never needed to make these kinds of adjustments before.


Any help would be much appreciated.

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If you are using 2 piece mounts try switching them around (move front to back).

Not everything is manufactured to the same tolerances and shimming a scope using film negative is another way of building up the height.

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Have you checked other possible causes, my new 10/22 was shooting low, shimming the mounts did not cure it, found in the end it was my moderator. Screwed on it was pointing downwards and the bullets were clipping it, sorted the mod and it was fixed.

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Have you checked other possible causes, my new 10/22 was shooting low, shimming the mounts did not cure it, found in the end it was my moderator. Screwed on it was pointing downwards and the bullets were clipping it, sorted the mod and it was fixed.

Running just standard gun at the moment. So unless it's a manufacture issue, I can't see this being an issue.


Good bit of info though Cedric. Thanks mate.

Edited by RemyBolt
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