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Like many people who use this forum, I use the addition of eggs and fish to my dogs' diet to improve the condition of their coat. However, while walking my kids and dogs through the local wood yesterday I saw a black Labrador with a coat so shiny it was almost iridescent. If someone had shown me a photo of the dog I'd have presumed it had been tampered with or that he'd been rubbed down with an oily rag. So, I mentioned it to the owner, expecting him to name some expensive complete dog food, but it wasn't...he adds blackcurrant juice to his food. :icon_eek: I was so nonplussed I didn't think to ask if it was concentrate, diluted or fresh.

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I just give mine a good balanced diet, which includes venison, beef hearts, chicken, fish and veg ect. I don't bother with any supplements. Mine all have good coats on them. A good variety i think, some dogs have shinier coats than others no matter what you feed them.

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It probably just highlighted the coats colour much the same as adding beta Carotine to a German shepherds diet brings out the red in the coat coloration .......

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Thanks all. Don't worry, I wasn't asking for tips (the coats on my three are fine), I just thought it was worth sharing and seeing if anybody else had heard of it. :thumbs:

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  • 4 weeks later...

BARF diet all the way.


I give mine the heart, kidneys and liver from any rabbit i shoot. And if it's not raining a couple of rabbit heads to eat in the garden (no chance is he eating them in the house as he carrys them around for 5 minutes first, i think he's showing off)


Also, try and get some sprats from the local fish monger (morrisons sometime do them). They're cheap as chips. Our 10kg terrier gets one every other day. Feed them whole. Enough oils in there and other goodness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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