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The One Show on BBC1 has just shown a short feature about the Royal Albert Ratting Club. If you didn't see it, one of the guys is obviously into taxidermy and had a huge stuffed rat taking pride of place in his house.


Later onm Jamie "Pukka" Oliver is joining a Partridge shoot and spending some time with a keeper to find out how best to get involved in the countryside, then Wild Gourmets go out grouse shooting.


Not bad for one evening.

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It's not enough though is it. The discovery channels show hours and hours of fishing programs yet country sports are limited to a few minutes in the odd cookery show. Why won't the discovery channel and the like show programs featuring country sports and I don't mean just shooting. Do joe public really believe that because it isn't on TV it doesn't happen. Maybe just maybe, if the public had been better informed on country sports through the medium of tv they wouldn't have been so ignorant and a ban on hunting would never have come about. F uckers!

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