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It depends on how much money you have. The residential course would probably be your best bet but I would imagine it costs £££'s. The Killgerm or SX courses won't give you an official qualification though, but you will be able to buy restricted products once you do them.


Are you working in pest control now? If not, then just doing the course or courses won't put any money in your pocket. If you are, get your employers to sort it out.

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The RSPH offer help if you can prove you are dyslexic. If needed, you can even have a 'scribe' to write your answers out for you.


I had one guy who needed help, and they were fantastic. Beware though; you have to be able to provide evidence that you are genuinely dyslexic, and not just a chap that can't spell very well.


There is much to be gained from interaction with other people on training courses. Sitting on your ass at home and doing online modules will teach you how to pass the exam, but it won't make you a pest controller :thumbs:


I always give the same bit of advice to newbies; get a job with a company that will train you up, expose you to pests, show you how the industry works, and most importantly of all, show you how not to do pest control :yes:

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Think there are less and less companies like that now though matt, I know lads that started that way but you couldnt get into the same companies without experience and qualifications now.


Some of the 1 day courses I think can be a good start as they are cheap enough and might get you through the door of a pest company that will pay for your level 2.

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cheers for the replies lads I have been doing the moles on a few friends farms for a while now and also did the vermin for the 3 years when I was doing the rearing on a game farm mainly rats stoats and that kind of stuff and am a bee keeper and I know a few courses wont make me a pest controller but every one starts some where don't we pete

cheers aidy

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Aidy; What I was actually moving toward getting off my chest there, mate ~ all be it in a rather convoluted and dry style ~ is that, if ye look at the 'proper' pest control fora, ones dedicated to just that subject? You'll f**king soon realise that No One will Ever become a " Pest Controller " nowadays.


That's because the paper pesties out there are all too busy trying to drag their little ladders up, they'll Always find a new bit of paper to show They're the boys. And, anyone else with one less scrap of paper than they've got is the shit on their shoes.


Now, I'm seriously asking ye, mate: Does That sound like an industry ye want to be a part of?


You check out a few of their dedicated braying houses. All they f**king do is A/ Try to fault the next guy on the most microscopic chance that he may not of dotted Every I and crossed all the T's on his job. They have such a hard on for nit picking!


Then, B/ They try to piss down, en masse, all over Anyone so much as asking how to become as God Like as them. They'd laugh in your face about even trying for a ..... what ever that bit of paper you buy for a grand or two is.


They'd shriek how That's Nothing! It just makes you a bloke who passed an exam. You're not a Pest Controller! They'd cackle.


Let me put it this way; It's a bit like; 'I'm twice your age. And You'll never be a real man until you're the same age as I am!' See? Ye'll never catch up with them and they'll always deride ye.


Oh, and C ....? They constantly bray about their new extension. Their umpteenth hot place holiday of the year, so far. And the fact that they won't get out of bed for less than a Brain Surgeons rates.


Why? Because they have a small cupboard stuffed with bits of f**king paper. And because they know f**king well to assiduously study every character on a products label, before even opening their mouths to mention it on the forum. Lest one of their peers gets to shoot them down over some tiny point.


Yes, mate. THAT Is the modern day " Pest Control " industry. And they're welcome to themselves.


Boys on here? Vast majority have done their ground work. Got their bare necessities, on paper. Now they catch vertebrates. Things with fur or feathers and a back bone.


F**k all label on a Juby trap. There's no bit of paper to make ye a 'Qualified' Dog Man ~ or ye Dog any good. Killgerm don't sell ferrets.


Ye standing at a fork in the road, Aidy. Think hard and choose well. Do ye want to be the lowest form of life in an industry dominated by egomanical wankers with a fetish for dosing out preprepared chemicals, and self flagellation with red tape?


Or, would ye rather spend ye days studying the land ye walking on, listening to what nature's telling ye, and seeing the delighted amazement on the clients face, when ye show them the body?





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Every word true


But still I wouldn't change this job for anything


Last year my company was 100% compliant with the bpca and killgerm training


5 months in we are now only 45%


Everyday a new ticket everyone you must have


The tickets we got years ago are no longer recognised we need to retake them because they have a new name


Would you believe of all things I passed a mole trapping course


I would struggle to catch a mole if it was in a bucket but I still got a ticket saying I couldn't be any better at it


Practical exams that's what's needed you can't do pest control with a pen

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Pete you sound quite bitter. :huh:


Personally I don't go on any forums other than this one. And the advice I gave to the first fella was about putting money in his pocket, not about achieving any dubious job title.


And I have lots and lots of bits of paper with courses I have done. I worked for one company that didn't invest in training and a lot of the people there didn't know their ar$e from their elbows. Another company did train their staff and not only were they more successful but had much better standards and better service for the customer. Since I set up on my own I have done even more training, just to get lots of bits of paper, so that not only can I demonstrate my field craft, but I can back up my demonstrable skills with qualifications.


As for the rest of your rant about extensions? :blink:

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Why on earth should I be 'bitter'?! I retired before fifty and am now quietly living the dream! :laugh:


Ye say yeself; " I don't go on any forums other than this one. "


Well, I Did, ye see? For years. And that's where I got the information I relayed above. It's the same old story, no matter where ye go. So, before making defensive criticisms of my own views, please at least have the civility to check out my stated sources first. It's all out there :yes:


I'm not ranting at all. See? Simply stating the facts. Maybe I can be the one to that, without 'bitterness or rant', because it now has absolutely nothing to do with me.


I sat back. Considered the situation, objectively, and told Aidy what I saw. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Now, I'm off to make some beer. Then, I might ring some birds. Or sit here and browse the fora. What ever I do though; I'll hardly be feeling bitter! :laugh:


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