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some people get all the wrong ideas, when the word "Dogging" is used....lol.

seriously though i was waiting for you to say it was J.Darcy...lol, but if its true why are they still on this site and not in prison with the other sex cases ?


Darcy is only into boys :sick:

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I invited a bloke off this site ferreting and he wrestled me to the ground when we were out on the hill and then thought it would be funny to jump on top of me and straddle me then grab my wrists to stop me from punching f**k out of him :censored::boxing:



thats made me crack up............ was he wearing a gimp mask :ninja: ?

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Good luck and be careful is all I will say. I invited a bloke off this site ferreting and he wrestled me to the ground when we were out on the hill and then thought it would be funny to jump on top of me and straddle me then grab my wrists to stop me from punching f**k out of him :censored::boxing: I have hunted with various different people from all over the Uk and Ireland and can honestly say that every single one of them has been an absolute gentleman except for this plonker, it has made me think twice about extending the hand of friendship out to new people I can tell you :icon_eek::icon_eek:


Feckin hell, i find that funny as. You should have said you were wanting to go out with a lurcher and not just advertise you were into "dogging" :icon_eek:

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Oi Magpie: I'm only just up the road as you know! Your'e welcome to come over any time on our extensive permission ;) and I no longer run through a field of bunnies to get to a charlie! LOL :tongue2: Give us a bell any time you want to go out, or want to invite me out! :ninja:

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Good luck and be careful is all I will say. I invited a bloke off this site ferreting and he wrestled me to the ground when we were out on the hill and then thought it would be funny to jump on top of me and straddle me then grab my wrists to stop me from punching f**k out of him :censored::boxing: I have hunted with various different people from all over the Uk and Ireland and can honestly say that every single one of them has been an absolute gentleman except for this plonker, it has made me think twice about extending the hand of friendship out to new people I can tell you :icon_eek::icon_eek:


Auch :cry:


Bet you told him to "make my day" :boxing: .....instead he made your whole week :moil: :shok:


c'omon name & shame!





Edited by Eggy
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I invited a bloke off this site ferreting and he wrestled me to the ground when we were out on the hill and then thought it would be funny to jump on top of me and straddle me then grab my wrists to stop me from punching f**k out of him :censored::boxing:



thats made me crack up............ was he wearing a gimp mask :ninja: ?




Well, SJM was wanting it real bad, wiggling her cute booty in my face whilst licking her lips on that cold windswept moor :kiss: ....... But i had seen a white hare on the horizon so thought i better give the dog a run instead......lol.. :clapper:


Good hunting JD :D

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