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Digging In Clay

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Been digging in alot of very thick heavy clay lately. Do any of you have good tips for digging in thick clay, both wet and dry? It's clumping on my shovel and very hard to get the shovel through.

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i find the best thing to do is stand there point to were you got the mark and say to the apprentice DIG THERE SON and offer words of encouragement when he starts moaning about sticky grey clay

wall paper scrapper for takeing it of shovel

is real thick clay i used a proper heavy fork.. and it comes out like cheese! the worst thing about clay for me is it sticking to your boots!

an old school terrier man told me to get a tub (half barrel) fill it up with sand then get burnt oil from a garage pour it into the sand until the sand is well soaked in it clean your shovels properly after digging and stick the head well down in the sand suppose to work well some day ill get around too it lol

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old bulldog all steel forks ..have three here for nigh on 40 years got them off the railway lads ..sentimental value been a few upsets when one goes missing LOL they tend to turn up though

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release oil in a garden hand held sprayer . i put this post up many years ago. real strength sapping stuff wet clay two shovels out one back in lol. if its dry clay the fork is the answer as is the buck rake tyne as it breaks it up for the shovel. happy digging

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I would rather dig the worst clay than some of the green sand around here but your right its a pain .Tried all methods but its just a case of getting on with it head down arse up .Worse still when its raining and everything is plastered .This is where a dog with a short coat comes into its own as nothing worse than a balled up ,miserable dog in the rain.Got to clean them there and then or its the clippers at home .At least with clay the quarry aint going too far .

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