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Strange one ain't it, when I was little, even now infact lol. Any animal I found or someone didnt want I was at home begging my mum to let me keep it. Giving him a slap? Hmm suppose his still a kid at 16 but wouldn't say no to the idea of him being put in the back of a van and scared. Nip it in the bud before he gets upto more. Trouble is nothing seems to happen does it? People even loose their kids and don't bother getting revenge.


Told the story before where I went shop and left the dog in mates house who I was visiting. Come back and caught her blowing her smoke into my dogs face. Asked her what she was doing, "getting Eli high". Just replied dont do that you prat but I was pretty annoyed by it. Anyway I soon needed a slash and wiped her toothbrush in the bathroom all around the toilet and put it back :D bit of karma for her lol. Anyway hope the pets owners do the right thing and teach the kid.

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Kicking the cat is a cruel, but I hate cats so that didn't bother me so much :angel:, but the continuous beating of that dog is a f@cking disgrace… I didn't read the article and can't now I'm too angry! What ever punishment this little prick gets, won't be enough...

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well I hope his name comes out and he gets fukin battered at every corner he turns,he might think then,this is how the animal feels when hes being a cnut.

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There's a want about this cnut...., plain and simple. This guy is a coward that has probably had his balls booted loads of times and takes his inadequacies out on animals that can't fight back. It's not that it's cruel..., it's fcuking pathetic.

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If his name can't be released for legal reasons then how is anyone ment to know who he is apart from the arsehole that took the video and his pals that he showed it too. Wee f****r needs a good kicking. Just shows you how f*****d up the country is. Realy makes my blood boil.

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His mate is as much to blame for filming the vid.and to beat a dog like that is wrong kneeing it in the face it would av been class if the dog flipped out and ripped him to bits but I suppose then the dog would av been at fault and pts? I would love to bump into the c**t on the street

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When I was at uni, I remember kicking the p**s out of some guy that came to a party. He was annoying as hell and when the house owner's cat came over to him, he slapped the cat then told me to mind my own business when I told him to leave it alone. Well, turns out it was my business, and he got a hell of a beating! When a couple of friends held me back he did a runner to his car. I didn't quite get the last laugh. The brick I threw at his car missed. I was fuming!


About 2 weeks ago when walking back from the shops with my wife, this kid in the park kicked a football at a cat. I went over there and started having a go at this kid. I totally humiliated him infront of his friends. "Did that make you feel good? Are you a big man now? Do you look like a tough guy infront of your friends? Was that entertaining? Best moment of your life? I bet all your friends are well impressed that you did that. Well done you super hero. Real f**king impressive picking on an innocent kitten!" The tirade lasted about 5 minutes. I ended with the words "You know why you're getting told off? It's not the cat's fault. It's your fault, for being a little B**ch." His dad came out and wanted to tell me what for. Turns out his dad is a p**sy as well. As soon as he approached, I asked if this was his son. He said yes. So he got an ear full too. "I'm sure you don't want a legal case going on, and you wouldn't want news, that your son was hurting animals for fun, going around the neighbourhood. So I'd be really careful about how he's being. Neither you, nor I, want any issues here. I've explained to him the implications of his actions, and he clearly didn't think it out when he kicked the football at the kitten. I assume nothing like this will happen again, or the police will be involved. Nobody wants the police parked outside their house for something like this. The neighbours might end up thinking the wrong thing."


I'm a bit of a gobby bugger. His dad smacked him around the head and grounded him. He even added a lovely sentence "If you touch that kitten again, I'll smack you ten times harder." He then shook my hand and apologised that I had to sort it out.


My wife was in shock!



If anyone finds out who this little **** is...please inform everyone! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, everything! Get the word out. The little **** needs to learn how it feels to be helpless.

Edited by RemyBolt
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keep up the good work,if its narrowed down to luton,then who knows,it just might become public knowledge who this scrotum is.Hopefully he'll gate likewise treatment.

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