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lungworm is no where near as common as vets would have you believe in fact it very rare in the uk but the vets see it as a good money spinner so the scare storys are rife , the easiest way to treat lungworm is a jab of ivermectin not weeks of fantasy treatment by vets , milbermax wormers will treat lungworm if you follow the directions or just buy heatguard wormers but alot of these dont treat tapeworms ---read the direction s but its nothing to get all exited about

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I agree TOPPER but I had a pup die of it and it wasn't nice.

She went from a good healthy pup to a dead pup in a few days even though she was in the vets for a couple of days.

Your right, nothing to get excited about as long as your wormer doses for lung worm.

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I lost a good dog to it. There are areas of the country that are hot spots for it. I now know that I live in one. The areas are spreading, some areas have none at all and others are quite prolific.


The problem is the symptoms could be anything and are not really serious until it is too late. Deep chested large dogs are more susceptible to the Angiostrongylus vasorum worm.


Mibre max, Panacure and as socks said advocate will all treat heart/lung worm, though with milbre max you do need other wormers.



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lungworm is no where near as common as vets would have you believe in fact it very rare in the uk but the vets see it as a good money spinner so the scare storys are rife , the easiest way to treat lungworm is a jab of ivermectin not weeks of fantasy treatment by vets , milbermax wormers will treat lungworm if you follow the directions or just buy heatguard wormers but alot of these dont treat tapeworms ---read the direction s but its nothing to get all exited about

I agree before 'advocate' was launched it was very rare and still is really. Bayer are very clever in there marketing, creating the fear/worry of lungworms, and they just do happen to produce the solution in 'advocate' lol


Saying this 'if' your dog is unlucky enough to contract lungworms it can be bad news. So for piece of mind it's worth treating your dog if you live in a high risk area.

Edited by Sirius
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being honest, in all my years i had never heard of lung-worm or heart worm, then we got sky TV and the Mrs started watching the american animal rescue programmes :laugh:

When the pup died on me I had an autopsy done and the vet came to the conclusion it was poisoned.

I said no way and searched books and the net and got interested in Lungworm.

I brought Lungworm to the vets attention and she then changed her mind and said it was lungworm.

The next time I spoke to her she said she'd met a few cases of it including her friends dog who'd died.

So, IMO lungworm cases probably slip under the radar , so to speak.

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