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Stop Net

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right chaps, I need some info on stop nets.


I want to make my own as I've got enough purse nets for now. can I make one from spun poly and do they handle well? if I want it 10 yards do I have to knit 20 yards for 100% bagging? :hmm: can I start the first row on a wire? and how many rows deep are needed?


also what the feck is this selvedge that everyone talks about :icon_redface:


sorry for all the questions I tried looking on here but my minds a bit boggled

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Sounds like you know what your doing and your half way there 12/14 meshes high for me and you can put a selvriridge mesh top and bottom to stop wear on the lines but none of my nets have them

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You're right with the length, knit double for 100% bagging. The selvedge is knitted to the top and bottom,usually with a thicker twine. This does 2 things, helps to stop wear but more importantly changes the way the net hangs.


TC can explain better than me.


There is a thread somewhere on here about the advantages of a selvedge mesh

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