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Whos Spoiling Their Vote Tomorrow.

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Why spoil your ballot ? Why not just stay at home ? Voter apathy is what got us into this mess; the LIBLABCON elite have slowly but surely changed from public SERVANTS, to public MASTERS ! They are so

why spoil your vote pat vote independent give the mainstream parties a wake up call people fought and died so we could have a vote just my opinion

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ME..LOL..why do people vote these crooks in.

If you don't vote, the crooks will still get in ! If enough of us vote for anyone other than the LIBLABCON, they won't get in ; simple as that,but as usual apathy and tribal loyalties will prevail, and we will just get more of the same. If you are fed up with these b*****ds, do something about it, vote for some one else !!

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Why spoil your ballot ? Why not just stay at home ? Voter apathy is what got us into this mess; the LIBLABCON elite have slowly but surely changed from public SERVANTS, to public MASTERS ! They are so out of touch and ignorant of normal peoples needs that they need a fright to try and bring them back to earth ! The ONLY way we can frighten them is to vote UKIP, or if UKIP isn't for you, vote for an independent ! Of course UKIP doesn't have all the answers, but they are the nearest to ordinairy people, Farage says what the man in the street is saying and the "establishment" smear him, but the polling shows we don't believe a word they say any more; so, for me it will be a vote for UKIP at every opportunity !

if you spoil it..it cant be stole.do you really believe they will keep their promises once they get their snouts in the trough.


Of course I don't believe ANY of them, you are not understanding my post; the only way to change the cosy LIBLABCON set up is to give them a great fright, have a few of them lose their seats and get a few "non-establishment MP's in to shake them up. Not voting or spoiling your ballot is the same as accepting the status quo.

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Why spoil your ballot ? Why not just stay at home ? Voter apathy is what got us into this mess; the LIBLABCON elite have slowly but surely changed from public SERVANTS, to public MASTERS ! They are so out of touch and ignorant of normal peoples needs that they need a fright to try and bring them back to earth ! The ONLY way we can frighten them is to vote UKIP, or if UKIP isn't for you, vote for an independent ! Of course UKIP doesn't have all the answers, but they are the nearest to ordinairy people, Farage says what the man in the street is saying and the "establishment" smear him, but the polling shows we don't believe a word they say any more; so, for me it will be a vote for UKIP at every opportunity !

if you spoil it..it cant be stole.do you really believe they will keep their promises once they get their snouts in the trough.


Of course I don't believe ANY of them, you are not understanding my post; the only way to change the cosy LIBLABCON set up is to give them a great fright, have a few of them lose their seats and get a few "non-establishment MP's in to shake them up. Not voting or spoiling your ballot is the same as accepting the status quo.


if majority spoils it wrecks it.not voting is different............there all wanting on the gravy train if majority keeps spoiling votes their f****d.so are we but we all be in the same boat.

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Why spoil your ballot ? Why not just stay at home ? Voter apathy is what got us into this mess; the LIBLABCON elite have slowly but surely changed from public SERVANTS, to public MASTERS ! They are so out of touch and ignorant of normal peoples needs that they need a fright to try and bring them back to earth ! The ONLY way we can frighten them is to vote UKIP, or if UKIP isn't for you, vote for an independent ! Of course UKIP doesn't have all the answers, but they are the nearest to ordinairy people, Farage says what the man in the street is saying and the "establishment" smear him, but the polling shows we don't believe a word they say any more; so, for me it will be a vote for UKIP at every opportunity !

if you spoil it..it cant be stole.do you really believe they will keep their promises once they get their snouts in the trough.


Of course I don't believe ANY of them, you are not understanding my post; the only way to change the cosy LIBLABCON set up is to give them a great fright, have a few of them lose their seats and get a few "non-establishment MP's in to shake them up. Not voting or spoiling your ballot is the same as accepting the status quo.


if majority spoils it wrecks it.not voting is different............there all wanting on the gravy train if majority keeps spoiling votes their f****d.so are we but we all be in the same boat.


Spoiling your ballot is the same as not voting, in the context of changing things. The ONLY way to change the staus quo is to NOT vote for the establishment and vote for a "maverick".

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Guest ragumup

I can't be bothered with a political debate but for me Thatcher wasnt perfect BUT at least she had a spine and principles you knew where you were ...unlike the current crop where they say one thing and do something completely different ! so for now at least I put Farage in the category of has a back bone !

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I've never voted ever, but tomorrow in voting ukip it's better than useless dup and pup, alliance is run by a tiddly wink who can't even talk a sentence of English and says she's an ulster woman, hahahaha and Sinn Fein well their deputy mr magginnes is a corrupt murderer who attacks everyone not voting for them, he even wants a Christian minister investigated cause he said Islam is satanic and murderous, what a joke comming from his mouth, so what's left? Only ukip ni so this year I'm voting because I would like to see the existing kunts in power getting a wake up call and actually doing what's right for the country, not just to bleed it dry the useless basstards. And for those voting aliance or Green Party their both anti hunting and want it banned here too. Especially that chink Anna lo, what do chinks know about animals rights when they eat everything that moves? Dogs cats etc

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First time to the polling stations for me too and it'll be UKIP.


Never been bothered to vote before but I've been spurred into action by the shit state of this country..

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UKIP as a protest vote, :thumbs:


'they' need a wake up call and too know who is actually in charge, they seem to forget they are their to serve us not rob us blind and ignore us we been taken for mugs by the politicians for long enough imho, a good show today could see the man in the street get what he actually wants, not what he is told he wants or that suits the established agenda carried out by the liblabcon usual suspects year in year out, this countries lost its own identity we are ashamed to be ourselves, made to feel guilty if we mention immigration , poverty, political correctness, leaving Europe, questioning reasons for going to war etc and all by the sort most would of beaten up or ignored at school :bad:


let em know who really is in charge, if they think the gravy train coming to an abrupt end , maybe they will refocus on what we actually want, not what they the companies they will go onto work for need ;)



and min d this if Labour gets in, in any way shape or form, then we truly are finished as a race of people, we will be extinct within ten years imho, that's no race inspired bollocks cos am not that way inclined, they will simply leave a bigger mess than last time and no one will be able to turn the tide, we be the worlds whipping boy , socialism is fine whilst ya spending the working mans money, however when that's gone???????

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My old man said to me many moons ago that "if you don't vote you have no right complaining about what you get", and the older I get the more I agree with him. UKIP for me, though I wouldn't want to see them win a general election. Hopefully some of the political elite will get the message that enoughs enough and listen to what the public actually want and not what they tell us we should want

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My old man said to me many moons ago that "if you don't vote you have no right complaining about what you get", and the older I get the more I agree with him. UKIP for me, though I wouldn't want to see them win a general election. Hopefully some of the political elite will get the message that enoughs enough and listen to what the public actually want and not what they tell us we should want


Just see what happens to UKIP over the coming year. They're gaining momentum like a fecking meteorite! They're not ready to run the country................. yet!

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