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Eastern Europeans Poaching Fish............never!!!!!

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Look at it this way, public, private it dont make no difference, you can only catch and eat it once. We dont eat a lot of fresh water species, but its ok for immigrants to take the piss and decimate local wildlife populations?... Leaving our once cherished wildlife hotspots devoid of all the species we caught and released as kids.. If they cant support themselves like normal people, go back home. Leave our wildlife alone.

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Look at it this way, public, private it dont make no difference, you can only catch and eat it once. We dont eat a lot of fresh water species, but its ok for immigrants to take the piss and decimate l

f***ing c**ts.. I hate them. Had a few run ins with them on my local waters. Im not even a member at present, but I do like a dog walk and eastie hunt.

Wish they would come up here and empty the lochs of all those scabby rainbow

  On 21/05/2014 at 06:20, jigsaw said:




reminds me the time I was fishing in Mayo,passed this big brute of a polish fukker,and he was carrying a bucket full of roach/perch/and a jack pike,i told him these fish wwere meant to be returned to the water alive and he said it wa for the breakfast he was taking them,and then he told me to ''FUK OFF''..Its about time they started aiming their investigations in this direction.

I know that lake well and through poaching it has been destroyed.

It used to be a good fishery but maybe never again or for years anyway.

Fishing for the pot is one thing but coarse fish are not good eating when compared to game or sea fish. I think everyone will agree to that.

It can't be a need to eat them because of financial reasons for the simple reasons they usually bring a lot of beer with them and have their disposable bar-b-ques with them. Also the nets, inflatable dingys etc. they have all cost money.

Also, the bye laws that are in place a few years now are written in their language.

But, there a lot of Irish lads fond of taking coarse fish to use as bait too.


More annoying is that a neighbour who usually looses some fowl to the fox every year lost a load of chickens and ducks recently.

Brazilian foxes this time that just walked in to the yard and took them presumably for the pot.

The same Brazilians last year had a house nearby rented.

One day their neighbour heard a commotion and then a pig with it's throat half slit ran through his hedge and died in his garden.


Must be their customs.

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  On 21/05/2014 at 13:48, marshman said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 13:35, Blackbriar said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 11:09, marshman said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 11:02, Blackbriar said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 10:45, marshman said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 10:33, Blackbriar said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 09:33, marshman said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 08:21, Blackbriar said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 07:24, marshman said:

Genuine question lads would you be as upset if you see one poaching rabbits with a lurcher to eat Instead of fishing for fish ?

It's illegal to remove freshwater fish..................
yer it's illegal to remove a lot of wildlife but it don't stop a lot of lads still doing it ! Be it fish to a pheasant hare and in land where there not supposed to be. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Point taken, but I was just trying to say that hunting rabbits with a dog is legal. Removing freshwater fish isn't - aside from the fact that (if you take them from a private lake) you're not only stealing them, but you're depriving someone of their livelihood. Surely no-one can think that's OK ?? :hmm:
it's all stealing are you not taking a gamekeepers livelihood if you take he's pheasant deer or hare then ?

Yes you are, but if you run your dog for a couple of rabbits (with permission of course) you're not depriving anyone of anything !
mate have you ever been on someone's land before without permo and taken something you wasn't supposed to ? In other words have you ever poached ?

Absolutely not !
ok then if the only things you've poached are a couple of eggs for your breakfast in the morning then carry on . Otherwise it would be hypocritical to condemn others for what you could've of done wouldn't it lol ?


'Hypocritical'is to condemn others for thing you' ve done yourself......................................

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Shoot me down but now I have read this, to me, its the fact they are just here to take the piss and is what they are doing and probably not just with fish either. Its having an amount of respect that separates 'us' from them. Even not playing by the rules so in some way no different, I have never left a stone turned where I have walked. If they are using nets and boats and eating fish from private lakes, then they are turds

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  On 21/05/2014 at 16:49, Blackbriar said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 13:48, marshman said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 13:35, Blackbriar said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 11:09, marshman said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 11:02, Blackbriar said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 10:45, marshman said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 10:33, Blackbriar said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 09:33, marshman said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 08:21, Blackbriar said:


  On 21/05/2014 at 07:24, marshman said:

Genuine question lads would you be as upset if you see one poaching rabbits with a lurcher to eat Instead of fishing for fish ?


It's illegal to remove freshwater fish..................
yer it's illegal to remove a lot of wildlife but it don't stop a lot of lads still doing it ! Be it fish to a pheasant hare and in land where there not supposed to be. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Point taken, but I was just trying to say that hunting rabbits with a dog is legal. Removing freshwater fish isn't - aside from the fact that (if you take them from a private lake) you're not only stealing them, but you're depriving someone of their livelihood. Surely no-one can think that's OK ?? :hmm:
it's all stealing are you not taking a gamekeepers livelihood if you take he's pheasant deer or hare then ?

Yes you are, but if you run your dog for a couple of rabbits (with permission of course) you're not depriving anyone of anything !
mate have you ever been on someone's land before without permo and taken something you wasn't supposed to ? In other words have you ever poached ?

Absolutely not !
ok then if the only things you've poached are a couple of eggs for your breakfast in the morning then carry on . Otherwise it would be hypocritical to condemn others for what you could've of done wouldn't it lol ?

'Hypocritical'is to condemn others for thing you' ve done yourself......................................

I can see where you're coming from blackbriar, certainly if you haven't poached yourself...........but I was having a similar conversation, last year, with some lads I know in England, they were going on about the 'scummy polish' taking carp from waters.

The same lads I used to poach all sorts of game with 20 years ago & the same lads who used to take fish from one water to

restock other waters more convenient to them lol.......when I pointed this out......of course, they said it wasn't the same, really??

& there's too many swans anyway.....lol

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and the big burly b*****ds are riding the women to death around here too,us balding fatties cant get a look in :laugh: ..........I worked with 2 poles and sounder men you couldnt meet and my daughters long term boyfriend is eastern european lol so I cant hate them too much :icon_redface: .......but the b*****ds are decimating the fish stock without a doubt,gang loads sitting at the side of the lakes,drinking beer and having a fire going,and then when finished just up and gone with all their crap left behind them.No respect for anything.

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Its not just here , I was over in spain fishing on the Ebro , had a great time & caught a few big cats ..the eastern boys where camped up & every thing they caught was put on a stringer , on the third day a fridge van came down & every fish (cats to a 100lb , carp to 40lb ) were knocked on the head & carted away ..when I asked our guide about it he said it wasn't illegal so their was nothing he could do ..I can see an end to a tourist goldmine ..

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It's a shame with fishing that you get some tw@s be it chavs being cnuts leaving fish out on the bank to die or the polacks after a free meal at the cost of killing a sporting pond.


Do you not feel these ponds should be policed more?

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IMO the recession here in Ireland has probably saved some fisheries in that those who were destroying them have returned home.

But to be fair some eastern European lads have set up clubs to prove that they are not all bad eggs.

And it might just be as well too, I thought it was just a matter of time 'till someone was killed.

I did a night session on Derry Lough a few years ago and was sitting on my chair bankside in the moonlight when I noticed I was surrounded by lads.

I stood up and said "Hello".

They said back to me "Oh, your one of our own."

I got the impression that if I was a foreigner I was going for a swim.


It just goes to show you the brains of the Irish government.

This country is now in recession this 7 or 8 years and they do nothing about promoting our massive coarse fishing potential.

Game fishing , YES, but coarse fishing, IMO, no.

Gone are the gangs of 10 and 12 British lads lining a bank, having the craic, catching bags of bream and that night eating and drinking plenty.

Internationally it's believed that fishing in Ireland is fecked.


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Hahaha that's a great story, I still think I'd shit one whether I was one of them or not!

It's good to see some vigilantes around protecting what the police and officials would otherwise brush off their shoulders.


Yes, it would be unfair should you have been a foreigner and abiding by the rules but I think the stereotypes have been pushed to extremes, people are willing to take pride and security in their sports now.

I did the same not long ago after finding traps on my old permission set up by trespassers: no way of finding out who but considering they raided the pond next to it.... I have my ideas.



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These cnuts have a totally different mindset when it comes to fishing...especially 'wild' fishing..., or at least where they might not pay a premium to fish and stocks aren't replenished. Most I know would maybe take the odd trout for the pot but coarse fish would almost always go back. These fcuckers will knock anything & everything on the head regardless of size or species.

For years I fished a local loch with a good head of pike where you'd be guaranteed a dozen or so fish in a day with the chance of a good double or two in among them. Then the Poles turned up and you'd walk round this place and find it littered with scales and tails...some from pike that wouldn't have been half a pound. Within a year or two you could fish all day and catch nothing..., these cnuts had decimated the place. Up & down the country people have similar stories. I've had a go at them a few times & even tried 'educating' a few but it's a total waste of time. I'd ban every last fcuking one of them until they adopt the same conservation philosophy as the majority of resident UK anglers.

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i remember this story in the standard a few years ago:

at london zoo some of the enclosures have a deep water moat round them, apparently they have loads of carp in of various types and sizes. well the poles came over the fence one night, pulled the drains, and took all the carp off in bins.


but far worse for me is this tale:

old boy on blackheath just outside greenwich park had 4 or 5 donkeys that used to give kids rides in the summer. fella been doing it for years. stabled them a couple of miles away at charlton. well he went up his stable yard one morning, found hey had all had their throats cut and been butcherd, just the offal, heads and hooves left. the finger was pointed at our east european friends......

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