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Another Night Out On The Farm With Matt

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All the the lads were supposed to turn up but it ended up with just me and Matt t,toma could not make itand Sean did not turn out ether i got one on the way in out of the car window at about 8 yards it had hunkered down and all i could see was the top of its head so i let one go and down she went.


I then met up with Matt and he said ill zero my rifle in i said dont need to zero mine and i showed him the rabbit i had just shot after he had zero,d his in off we went and a little kit ran up the embankment in front of us, now iv been told to shoot them all in this part of the perm full grown and kits.


We thought it had run into the woods but two steps more and i spotted it sitting at the top of the embankment so down on one knee and she was dispatched to it fell back into the woods we could see it but could not retrieve it after that we split Matt went for some crows and i had a wander on to one of the fields where i could see the crows falling to Matts scorpion se.


I then went to look for the rabbit i had shot the night before and could not find it in the long grass i had seen the pellet strike its head under the light of the lamp beam and it jumped about three feet and did a back flip but like i said could not find it ether the night before or to night mr fox must of had it.


So off i went again and came across another one so i storked up on it to about 30 yards and lay prone and let the raider do what she douse best and a jsb was sent on its way smashing its way through its skull so that was three down i then sat at the side of the drive way and waited for Matt and as he walked down he had not seen me sitting as he was concentrating to much looking for the rabbits he nearly jumped out of his skin when he did see me.


I missed a few good size one,s and did not see the one,s that matt had shot so ill leave it for him to tell you all what he did not very big one,s but there good for the Barby with a little bit of garlic butter and wrapped up in tin foil atvbmac :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:




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  On 20/05/2014 at 19:17, vizlauk said:

We'll done lads ! A phone call or a knock on the door to remind me would have helped , not to worry next time, as this hunter is going full out on a mission lol

Sent you a tx mate telling you i would see you at the farm atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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As ever, another cracking night!


I decided to change my zero from 30 to 35 metres to see if it made a difference, I'd been to the range earlier in the day but I always check to make sure. 3 shots and I knew I was bang on.


As Mac said, the land owner even wants the kits gone in a certain part, saying that I still tend to leave them alone.


Very early one I spotted 2 kits along a path about 30 yards away with a larger rabbit at about 45 yards. As I started stalking them I could tell the knew something was around so I just froze on the spot for what seemed like ages! As soon as they relaxed I went prone, the only shot on was both kits, I couldn't get a clean shot at the larger rabbit. I decided to take the closer of the 2, it was sitting pretty straight on but facing slightly to my left. It dropped its head to feed and at that point I pulled the trigger, the pellet entered the left side of its skull and came out its right shoulder!


I had a wonder around the top field then down past the old mortuary, and bumped into Mac. I hadn't seen him sat in front of a bush and I honestly nearly shat a brick!


I told Mac I was going after the crows so went off again, I managed to get 8 so was pretty pleased with that.


Much later on once it had got dark, I put the NV on and me and Mac had a wonder around the top field, I popped my head around the corner of the field and sat 20 yards in front of me was the biggest rabbit I'd seen all day/night. Once again I slowly lay down, cross hair just behind the eye, pull the trigger and watch the pellet fly over its head! Gutted!


10 minutes later I see another one under a trailer and actually stalked to about 10 yards, it would have been easier just picking it up haha, down on one knee, lined up the shot and pull the trigger, thwack! Another clean kill, so it should be at that distance lol.


While waiting for Mac I decided to gut and skin mine, hence 2 done and 2 not.


A brilliant night but I think I'll be changing my zero back to 30 yards.

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Ah crap that didn't work. I haven't been out for 3 weeks mate due to work, weather and a stroppy mrs....but, just landed the perm of perms. Mac had told me about one of the sites the work has up here. I didn't get it but did get another one which is good. Out if the blue today the firsts site called me up and asked me to go down. I said yeah as I'd taken 50 rabbits off the other site and they were thinning out. The guy laughed and said you'll get a lot more than that off here!! So I'll be taking the old lad out next week to thank him for the tip!! He makes all the entertainment so the write up should be a giggle I hope!

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