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The Next Generation . . .

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Well, yesterday I had another visit from the man with the hounds.


I was knocking together a chicken run on my yard, grinding off some metal, when a soft voice came from behind me, extolling the wisdom of wearing safety goggles, and scaring the shit out of me in the process :laugh:


After a discussion on the finer points of health and safety, in came the pick up, and I was excited to see what was in the back.


Down came the door, and along with nettle, the scruffy terrier, came and absolutely stunning little hound bitch. She couldn't be anything else, other than related to my bitch, and the two I had seen on his last visit.


Six months old and a little bundle of rough haired energy, I gave her a good look over, strong feet, good coat, nice build and an great nature. To say I was impressed was an understatement.


Her name was Magic, and she was the sole surviving pup from the mating of Merlin (the black and tan dog from my previous topic) and a good hunting beagle bitch from the Monmouthshire kennels. The rest of the litter had unfortunately died at birth due to some complications.


Now one thing that really took me back, is how strong the genes on the sires side must be. The sire is 3/4 Beagle, 1/8 Teckel, 1/16 Cocker and 1/16 Russel, like my bitch Gwen (his litter sister), so put to a pure beagle, makes Magic 7/8 Beagle, 1/16 Teckel, 1/32 Cocker and 1/32 Russel.


But as you can see from the photos, he's done it again, a rough coated beagle, in the mould of the rest of the line, generation number five.


I thoroughly enjoyed my day once again, we had a wander over to look at the pigs, and a good chat in the sun.


And i'm already excited about the sixth generation as far off as it is, I think it might be about time I got myself another hound :laugh::thumbs:











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The sire is the black and tan dog in the above photo and the other hound bitch is his litter sister (same litter as my bitch in the above photos).


You can see the 'type' they are breeding to.

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Nice looking pup and i think your slightly obsessed with fractions :laugh: doe's your friend hunt a gun pack or a bobbery pack or is he trying to breed a type ? why was the russell and cocker blood bought in instead of pure hound blood out of curiosity ?? :thumbs:

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Well, yes. . . .I know it's just numbers on paper, but as with this lot, I've been able to get an exact picture of what has been put into them dog by dog, since the start, it's interesting to see it on paper. I'd have though a dog that was even closer to a pure beagle on paper than my bitch, would be smoother coated, and well . . . . look more like a regular beagle. But instead, the pup Magic is closer again to what the man is aiming for. Rough coated beagles, with a bit of bite.


My friend hunts within the limits of the law, obviously, but is no gun man. And yes, he is trying to breed a type, a line that breeds true. Not for any name or fame (it's me that's sticking it on here, because a few folk have asked about my bitches breeding, and he agreed to me sticking the photos up), but because after a life time of dogs and hounds, he knows what he wants, and has set out to create it. I just happened to be lucky enough to fall upon a pup by a series of co-incidences, and subsequently met the man, when I walked past him at the Pelenna Valley hunt show last year.


If you look back at my last topic, "An Unexpected Visit", It's got the exact breeding since the start, The first mating was a Teckel dog called Ryeford Merle who was put to a cocker x Russel bitch called Kate. You'd have to ask him why? I'm guessing that there was a good reason, and they were good dogs. A pup from this mating was then put to a beagle and so on it went.

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Well, yes. . . .I know it's just numbers on paper, but as with this lot, I've been able to get an exact picture of what has been put into them dog by dog, since the start, it's interesting to see it on paper. I'd have though a dog that was even closer to a pure beagle on paper than my bitch, would be smoother coated, and well . . . . look more like a regular beagle. But instead, the pup Magic is closer again to what the man is aiming for. Rough coated beagles, with a bit of bite.


My friend hunts within the limits of the law, obviously, but is no gun man. And yes, he is trying to breed a type, a line that breeds true. Not for any name or fame (it's me that's sticking it on here, because a few folk have asked about my bitches breeding, and he agreed to me sticking the photos up), but because after a life time of dogs and hounds, he knows what he wants, and has set out to create it. I just happened to be lucky enough to fall upon a pup by a series of co-incidences, and subsequently met the man, when I walked past him at the Pelenna Valley hunt show last year.


If you look back at my last topic, "An Unexpected Visit", It's got the exact breeding since the start, The first mating was a Teckel dog called Ryeford Merle who was put to a cocker x Russel bitch called Kate. You'd have to ask him why? I'm guessing that there was a good reason, and they were good dogs. A pup from this mating was then put to a beagle and so on it went.

They do look like they are throwing a type there a nice looking little hound i was just curious as to why the cocker russell and teckel blood was used as when you wrote your fractions it was as it was being bred out and over taken with beagle blood :thumbs:

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Stan - I'd not part with her for love nor money matey.


Stig - Aye they are cute things, and real characters to be fair.


Swede - I think the original (and existing) plan was to create a rough coated beagle, with a bit more prey drive (not hunting drive), a bit more of a desire to hunt to kill, rather than hunt for huntings sake, if that makes sense? And hence the Teckel, and terrier blood, and hey, a bit of spaniel can't hurt the tractability.

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I want one of those dogs.


Seriously Jai. That is a cracking looking mix and I would take one in a heartbeat. Man,, the mischief I could get up to with a wee hound like that,! !


If one comes up, put me on the list, right at the top preferably. I`ll be looking for a replacement for my old Spaniel and one of those would fit the bill.

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Well, FOD, I think you can say that they range as far as they need to. If you let them, they go on just like beagles. But with my bitch, I can work her close enough to be of use bushing out to the runners, and she will also go of doing some proper hounding if I let her, and covers some ground.


JB and Rake - I'll pass on your request ;):laugh:

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