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Mods You Like To Have A Pint With?

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None of the c**ts

Before I feck off to bed, anybody any views? (RM Springs to mind)   In no particular order, I reckon Bosun, Paulus and Malt would be sound, maybe a few others that I can't mention, Walshie, albeit

It's just northern humour the word c**t.   Guess they don't get northern humour

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i dont drink but if i did i would have no problem drinking with moxy..

:thumbs: one or two of you ain't too bad on here.


Some though are definite rohipnol users :yes: and I wouldn't be leaving my G&T unattended.

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At this rate Mal is gonna end up f*****g shit faced in a coma.... LOL


At the very least in a puddle of his own piss in a hedge covered in snail trails.............

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Well going by the thread matt will be sober, he can pick up his fellow mod :)

I'm rarely sober :laugh:


And I'm sure Mal could find someone better looking (and woolier) than me to pick him up :whistling:

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Well going by the thread matt will be sober, he can pick up his fellow mod :)

I'm rarely sober :laugh:


And I'm sure Mal could find someone better looking (and woolier) than me to pick him up :whistling:


Come on Matt, lets go have a Babysham together... :air_kiss:

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I've had a couple of drinks with Walshie... But tha was pre mod days... I wonder if he's changed lol..




Looking forward to a beer with the UTD supporting mod lol

I got walshie carting a bit of furniture to the van ------------the look on his face when I bought a chest of drawers :D he had a fair drive home but I think he`d of gladly settled in for a few more beers ....

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I've also had a few pints with Walshie, was a good night! I had to finish the last 3/4 of his last pint for him though... :whistling::D

tramp :tongue2:
1 I don't like seeing good beer go to waste, and 2 he offered it to me and I was brought up with good manners and thought it rude to refuse! :D
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I've also had a few pints with Walshie, was a good night! I had to finish the last 3/4 of his last pint for him though... :whistling::D

tramp :tongue2:
1 I don't like seeing good beer go to waste, and 2 he offered it to me and I was brought up with good manners and thought it rude to refuse! :D

Probably felt obliged coz you licked the rim...........

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