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Breeding Terms......

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And here lies the problem... If you need to breed out of a dog so much that you must loan a bitch, how bad is this country's lurcher scene? Surely without having to persuade someone to part with their top notch bitch (it must be if you want to use it so bad!) for a litter, then put yourself through the process of ensuring everything works out, combined with the worry if it don't, is a step to far..?

Feck all that... I'd rather see it all go to the wall before I went down that road... And that problem is.... More value should be placed in the bitch, because without her your gonna have to go through all that bollox to get your future!

I know, I made that mistake... I chose a dog out my last litter, when I should have kept a bitch. And at ten years old he will go this year and unless someone comes forward, his line goes to the wall....

Oh yer, breeding terms if someone does come forward with the right bitch, just work them hard, they are all yours... :yes:

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i was just thinking out loud. the idea is sound enough in principle. but like anything else there are the usual pitfalls.

the reason i was asking is i was exploring ways of keeping a pup out of my lurcher dog. without putting him to stud.

Bosun i went to see the litter i got Ozzy from with the intention of taking a bitch as i have all bitches. of course i came away with the biggest strongest male :blink:

all things considered it wasnt the brightest idea and i have now discounted it. :yes: thanks for the input and pm,s.

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