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New Type Of Net?

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  On 26/05/2014 at 12:33, smithie said:


  On 26/05/2014 at 12:17, socks said:


  On 26/05/2014 at 12:14, tiercel said:


  On 26/05/2014 at 11:48, smithie said:

what was the verdict? is it to be anygood or was the idea scrapped?


I tried another pattern but the outcome was not much different to the one above. I have another pattern in mind I will see how that works out and see which one I will go with. A trammel works on the principle that each square is like a small purse net, this net works on the same principle but instead of having separate outer walls the walls are knitted into the mesh of the net.



Will you field test all three nets to see which one works best ... I would be interested to see how these turn out as a lot of my ferreting jobs are on my own and a net such as these would be a very handy tool in my bag .......

socks you need to find a friend :laugh:

Nope I don't like people .......

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  On 26/05/2014 at 12:14, tiercel said:


  On 26/05/2014 at 11:48, smithie said:

what was the verdict? is it to be anygood or was the idea scrapped?

I tried another pattern but the outcome was not much different to the one above. I have another pattern in mind I will see how that works out and see which one I will go with. A trammel works on the principle that each square is like a small purse net, this net works on the same principle but instead of having separate outer walls the walls are knitted into the mesh of the net.






i have been chewing this over and by stiching the outer walls to the net i think your limiting the net a we bit asall the bag can not be pulled from between the pegs. is you happen to place this on a run and 2 or 3 rabbits hit the same mesh somethings going to have a good chance of getting away imo..


i could be wrong as i have to imagine how it works as i dont use trammel...


i also imagine i have a partner but thats another story :laugh:

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  On 26/05/2014 at 18:28, Hot Meat said:

I'm same can't get my head around thes trammel nets lol must be my sheltered upbringing lol where would they be better than a stop/long net? I understand the theory I think lol

If you are working on your own and have to do a hedgerow or ornamental garden with ornate hedges etc then setting a trammel on your blind side can give you the confidence to know that whatever hits it will be well and truly tangled up leaving you free to concentrate on your side ........

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  On 26/05/2014 at 18:05, smithie said:


  On 26/05/2014 at 12:14, tiercel said:


  On 26/05/2014 at 11:48, smithie said:

what was the verdict? is it to be anygood or was the idea scrapped?

I tried another pattern but the outcome was not much different to the one above. I have another pattern in mind I will see how that works out and see which one I will go with. A trammel works on the principle that each square is like a small purse net, this net works on the same principle but instead of having separate outer walls the walls are knitted into the mesh of the net.






i have been chewing this over and by stiching the outer walls to the net i think your limiting the net a we bit asall the bag can not be pulled from between the pegs. is you happen to place this on a run and 2 or 3 rabbits hit the same mesh somethings going to have a good chance of getting away imo..


i could be wrong as i have to imagine how it works as i dont use trammel...


i also imagine i have a partner but thats another story :laugh:


Smithie a net does not need to travel along the lines to catch rabbits in it. When you set your traditional net you effectively tie in the net at each peg. The net is further constricted from running along the lines by the foot line's contact with the ground which in effect pins the meshes where they are or at the most allows limited movement.


Most trammel nets have a tremendous amount of slack 40" of mesh rigged into 12" where a normal net rigged by halves only has 24" of mesh for each 12" of net. Most people who use trammels recon until you get the knack, getting the rabbits out of the net is the biggest problem.


Moley off here uses 25 yard trammel nets. There is a post on here where he states that in over 2000 rabbit he has only lost one out of the trammels. I sold some to Max Abell off here a couple of years ago and the last time I spoke to him he had not missed a rabbit out of them.

Knowing how trammels work I can quite believe them.


I know where your doubts are coming from but believe me they do have a place, especially if you work alone.



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I know they have a place I did not say they didn't I was wondering if fixing the net to each mesh you limit the net.


We also have discussed fixing net else were when you used to stitch yours in every 5 yds ( between poles).


what I am wondering is if you get A few rabbits running the same way hitting the same mesh will you be limiting the net by stitching it on each square. 3 rabbits in the same 12 inch of net and you can not pull extra bagging along might be a problem. not will be but MIGHT.


never the less I hope it works as it's hard to find something to improve long netting.

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  On 27/05/2014 at 07:34, smithie said:

I know they have a place I did not say they didn't I was wondering if fixing the net to each mesh you limit the net.


We also have discussed fixing net else were when you used to stitch yours in every 5 yds ( between poles).


what I am wondering is if you get A few rabbits running the same way hitting the same mesh will you be limiting the net by stitching it on each square. 3 rabbits in the same 12 inch of net and you can not pull extra bagging along might be a problem. not will be but MIGHT.


never the less I hope it works as it's hard to find something to improve long netting.



First off, It's not for night time long netting, a simple net rigged by halves is more than enough for that job. The net is for daytime netting when ferreting. If you have enough slack in a net between tie off points you do not need to have the slack running along the lines. I'll try and give you an example.


Lets say a rabbit hits a normal net and pulls a lot of slack while balling it's self up, does that stop the next rabbit to hit between those poles to bounce off the net because the first rabbit has taken all the slack out of the net? That might be a problem but usually it is not, to be honest the chances of three rabbits hitting the same 12 inches of net are pretty remote to say the least, but never-the-less quite possible. My take on what would happen if the event ever did take place would be that maybe the second rabbit would be caught but the third would bounce and get caught in another pocket of the net.


To be honest I have a fair idea of how this net will cope with rabbits hitting it at top speed as they normally do when ferreting, that said, it will be field tested under working conditions and depending on the report I will either proceed and amend any faults I can, or put it down to experience as I have done with a lot of my ideas in the past.


Trying to re-invent the wheel is like banging your head against a brick wall, you miss it when you stop.



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  • 2 months later...

Well the net was tested in many situations and truth be told was found wanting in some aspects. That said, it is not terminal yet, and I believe the problems can be addressed quite simply.


I went against my better judgement and tried rigging it in a way that went against the grain for me, but it had to be tried. So next step is to iron out the fault with the net, I then believe it could become a decent weapon to have in ones armoury.



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  • 2 months later...

Time for an update on the new type of net.


I altered the size of the pockets of the net and set it on lines to see what it looked like. To be honest I liked what I saw.

Front view.


View along the front of the net.


View along the back of the net showing the pockets.


The size of the pockets from behind, plenty of slack in them.


Hanging down really shows the depth of the pockets.




The net was sent away for testing during the summer, and the first incarnation needed adjustments once the adjustments were made the net did perform as I envisaged. Stage two was to make another net, a lot lighter than the first and get that tested. From the reports I have had back from the tester the newer net works well in all the situations he tried it in, woods, windy hills and gullies.



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  On 13/11/2014 at 22:47, smithie said:

what size mesh is it? if its light weight you need maybe you could just adapt sheet netting

Its 4.25" mesh and there is no way you could adapt sheet netting, trust me. That said there is a way you could get a similar effect with sheet netting but the pockets would not be half as deep as the sheet netting is not deep / wide enough.



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