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Bloody Tail

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Just been an fed dogs and noticed the pup has split the very end of her tail and is painting the kennel. I've noticed a few have mentioned on previous topics about docking the tail, don't like the sound of that at all I have to say. Any other ideas ?

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i have 2 that are bloody murder for this,i used a piece of bicycle tubeing,keep it on for a whie,take it off at night,it healed up ok,i am contemplating getting a few inches amputated by the vet,as its a reoccuring problem for me,some days clothes destroyed with blood.Happy tail its called,google it and you can see covers for the situation for sale.

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You can buy tail guards of eBay but alls I do tho is vet wrap the end of the tail and muzzle the dog so it can't pull it off leave it a few days let it scab a bit them take the wrap off but keep the dog muzzled so it can't lick its tail. Black power or simalar helps dry them up too atb

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when you go to your kennels your dog will stand at the kennel door waging his tail if the door is not in the middle of the kennel front dog will bang its tail on the wall you can wrap it with pipe lagging but if its not got room to wag its tail without it hitting wall then you will never cure it

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either make the kennel big enough so its harder for it to bang its tail or line the walls of the kennel with old carpet.toilet roll centre and gaffer tape will allow it to heal. but you need to treat the cause not just the symptom.

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