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what addiction did you have mate??? seen it thrown around on the couple of threads but never heard you mention it before??? tell me to f**k off if you want....... :laugh::thumbs:

Heroin :icon_redface: ,nigh on 10 year habit,been clean over 10 years now(probebly 12 years) and it has no links to who or what i concider a hero mate, :thumbs: not to bothered if it affects how folks view me i'm still the same fella as before they knew that about me and the only way if affects my life now is i can't see some of my old mates as there still at it and it's not a life i want any part of ever again.


never would of thought that mate!! very honest of you to admit it.... :thumbs: that f*****g stuff is a kunt...........ive lost loads of mates to it and i no the score with how easliy it happens..........but your sorted now and thats all that matters so we wont go into that..............fair play for staying off it mate........full respect to you for that.......... :thumbs:

Edited by clipo
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Thanks but shouldn't have gone there in the first place and no respect is derserved in fecking up your life and doing something about it(if you get my drift?) :victory: ,my family,birds,dogs and mates all show me whats worth keeping clean for every day :yes: ,but that's another story and all i wanted with this thread was to try to say sorry if i offended the lad in any way and you are all very right he died in a way that does need and derserve respect and i sort of ruined that on the other thread .

As they say "we all make mistakes", it's just mine are just slightly bigger than some at times eh :whistling: .

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Thanks but shouldn't have gone there in the first place and no respect is derserved in fecking up your life and doing something about it(if you get my drift?) :victory: ,my family,birds,dogs and mates all show me whats worth keeping clean for every day :yes: ,but that's another story and all i wanted with this thread was to try to say sorry if i offended the lad in any way and you are all very right he died in a way that does need and derserve respect and i sort of ruined that on the other thread .

As they say "we all make mistakes", it's just mine are just slightly bigger than some at times eh :whistling: .

could be worse mate........you could be an elvis fan......... :rofl::thumbs:

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:clapper:Respect to you fellah....


We have all said things and done things, that we perhaps should not have done,..and I am no exception to this... :thumbs:


You have explained what you meant,...so,.done and dusted....


Personaly,...I feel that the young lad who died had some courage,...


He knew his death was coming,...from afar,...and in my opinion,..he faced it with dignity.


I just hope that when the Grim Reaper comes to call,....I can be as brave.... :victory:

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Now i haven't slated the poor lad who died of cancer and i do think he did well to raise the money he did and i've started this thread so i don't ruin the other one any more and if the mods want to have a sort through it and get rid of what i've said then i don't mind one bit :victory: .What i was trying to say is i think "hero" and other such like words are far to over used these days and as it goes some of you did come back and agree with me that the title he has been given is a little to much :yes: ,i have a brother with terminal cancer so i sure as shite ain't making light of what he had or did and fare play to the lad but i myself see hero's and insperational people differently to most of you it seems and as for helping others i do and have(helped get a couple of folks clean as well blackmaggie :yes: ) and did my donation to craigyboys fund make me a hero?,no it didn't i was just like Stephen and many many others a person who happened to help out others for a good cause and to try to play it for more than it was is wrong imo and with Stephen i think your all wrong in putting him up there with "real life hero's".

So let the insults carry on as like i say "don't give two fcuks" :tongue2: but just thought i'd try to clear the point i was trying to make. :thumbs:

do people really have heroes, or indeed are people actually hero material these days.

most people seem to be afraid of comeback (if their attempt goes wrong) and just indifferent to other peoples needs, to do heroic acts.

i personally don't see many heroes, most acts seem to be done purely for a crack fame or fortune.

i think a lot of "heroes" are simply mislabelled, be that famous people with cult status, soldiers doing a paid job that no-one forces them to do (many do it to play war).


i think the real heroic figures in society are in emergency services, fire and ambulance especially,there's no glory for a job well done, no paper write up for a death in duty, no massive abuse in powers.

can't think of anybody else that deserves the title of a hero though. nobody has put a gun to anybodies head.

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Can't really understand why you've done this Fireman. If people want to call the guy a hero then big deal. Why would you want to dig them up for it?

When Stephen Sutton died his mother described him as "courageous, selfless & inspirational", these were words echoed over & over again by the people who'd met him, or had followed & knew him through social media. I think those three words would just about define a hero!

In an age where some people describe the likes of David Beckham and Jordan as their heroes, I can't see why you've taken issue with this guy...and I've read your attempt to justify why you have... and I think it's a load of pish!

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pesky he started this thread to say sorry if he offended anyone which he thought was the right thing to do and he said himself that he didnt word it like he wanted to so surely it should be left at that :thumbs:

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