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Hemps bollocks....get spun nylon :notworthy:


ok, cheers for the advice, ive been using hemp and nylon, why dont you like the hemp ones mate? im pretty new to this and just wondered where everyone gets theirs, internet, shops or make them just curios :hmm:

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Guest little_lloyd

Hemp is just shite :yes: Soon as its wet and dried out it snags, snaps and really WONT hold a bolting rabbit!!! Alough i prefer the more thicker material to the normall nylon as it does not tangle as easy.


But the best thing for used hemp is the bin :thumbdown:

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hi mate i use both but prefer to use nylon ones 6z or 10z are better dont seem to get so much shit tangled in them have a look on e-bay try the ferkin ferret, or if you have time and paitence try making you own its much more rewarding with the end result especally when you catch your first rabbit in you own nets. :clapper:

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if hemp nets are looked after and dryed out after use they are by far the best,if you want some thing you can just chuck in your net bag till next time6z or 10 z are fine. mark scot of the ferret box company has some very nice 6z and 10z nets in at the moment

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Hemp is just shite :yes: Soon as its wet and dried out it snags, snaps and really WONT hold a bolting rabbit!!! Alough i prefer the more thicker material to the normall nylon as it does not tangle as easy. But the best thing for used hemp is the bin :thumbdown:


I've used hemp for all my ferreting life, I've never had a problem and I'll keep on using it - but then I know what I'm doing :feck:

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Guest little_lloyd
Hemp is just shite :yes: Soon as its wet and dried out it snags, snaps and really WONT hold a bolting rabbit!!! Alough i prefer the more thicker material to the normall nylon as it does not tangle as easy.


But the best thing for used hemp is the bin :thumbdown:


*cough* amatuer *cough*.... stick with a good quality hemp net theres not a nylon twine to match it.... try bigbob... he often has some nice hemp nets for sale....




So your the net guru ehh :doh: Not sayin hemps the worst, just not my kind of net :no:

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Not sayin hemps the worst, just not my kind of net :no:


No you're right, you didn't say hemp is the worst, what you said was "Hemp is just shite. Soon as its wet and dried out it snags, snaps and really won't hold a bolting rabbit!!! The best thing for used hemp is the bin".


So, based on your experience, perhaps you can tell the original poster just what is the worst type of net - and why?



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Guest little_lloyd

Ive still got a few hemp nets along with all the other nets :yes: I just dont like using hemp :no:


Personly my worst net is nylon beacuse its a bugger when it comes to tangling up and untangleing.....but i till have nylons :doh:


SPUN NYLON ALL HE WAY :yes::yes::feck:

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Learn to make your own nets. It's cheaper than buying them. Once your proficient at it you can turn them out fairly quickly.

I make all my own HEMP nets and I have some in my bag that are almost fifteen years old and still going strong. There's a certain satisfaction in making your own and seeing them work.

I've found nylons to be virtual useless under blackthorn hedges, they'll snag on anything. Spun nylon are OK but they really don't work that well when they're wet as they do seem to soak up a hell of a lot of water.

I suppose it depends on where your ferreting and whether your a lazy fecker or not.

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cheers for all the advice guys, some good comments their, i think ill get 15 hemp and 15 spun nylon, see how it goes and i would like to make my own nets but i do not have enough time or paitience at the moment maybe some time later ill give it ago.

:thumbs: happy hunting :gunsmilie:

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:hmm: I began rabbiting 40 years or more ago....

I started with Hemp purse nets and Long Nets,...I had no complaints..

But,.time moves on,..and like the Dinosaur,.you either choose to adapt,.or maybe go under.... :thumbs:

I have a beautiful Hemp Long net,..I've rarely,.if ever lost a cony out of its meshes...I also have dozens of nets made from 4Z ,..6Z and the various 'spun nylon ' twines...

Personally,...I prefer the FEEL of hemp and enjoy its thickness and tactile qualities,.but I also appreciate its inherent fragility and weakness if abused....

A good,.competent nets-man will be able to utilise ANY type of net,..irrespective of what material it is constructed from,...in fact,..it just doesn't effect the experienced hunter.

For a tyro or fumble-foot 'clumsy Clarence' kinda character,.I would advise him to steer clear of the lightweight 4Z Jobs,.and go for something a tad plumper :D

Whatever his choice,..it must be,.Practice,practice,practice.. :thumbs:


All the best,.and good netting,.cheers,.CHALKWARREN... :drink::drink:

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