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An Evening Out

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I got a call from a lady in the big house opposite one of my permissions

the rabbits are eating all my flowers, so called up yesterday evening to see her,

and as usual the rabbits were coming in off the cricket ground and a building behind her house which wont let me on

which is a shame as theres loads of rabbits always sitting out,

so sets myself up on the cricket ground under a big conker tree looking onto a nice log pile that always holds rabbits, i didn't have to wait long before the first rabbit showed itself it was met with an h&n ftt and just dropped where it was, almost immediately another showed itself at the other end of the pile

so thet was met with the same fate, I left the rabbits where they were hoping for another when I got the unmistakeable cackle of a magpie

he came in too close for a nosey and swallowed a bit of lead, I waited about an hour before number three showed and was taken with a clean head shot

I picked up my rabbits all 3/4 growers and my Maggie and decided to get under the awning covering the wicket

I was tucked in but the rabbits seemed spooky, running for cover at the slightest noise

I took a rabbit at 54yds and it wasn't long before I could see them coming out of the cover that surrounds the grounds

then something happened that I've never seen before, a crow was taking an interest in the prone rabbit

so was hit with an h&n, to which it cart wheeled backwards when out of a bramble patch shot a hen and cock pheasant and

set about the now dead crow, they gave it a right going over then went back to the brambles

they must have a nest or young in there, I took another three rabbits

so ended with 7 rabbits, 1 Maggie and 1 crow

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