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Got my aa s410f carbine 2013 model .22

Lovely gun producing groups which I didn't expect and taking game nice , just abit sick of a pcp and filling up .

Was think of selling all in all and buying a spring gun have been thinking of a hw80 hw97 not sure on which , reason being is the 97 is heavy ? And just wondering what I would be looking at for hw80 and 97 and what's better ect tuning ..

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97 k 177 its all you need . I have different guns pcp spring 177 22. The 97 k 177 is the best all round gun I have .You get to LOVE the weight of it ,I try to sit on the ground or use a post or tree or such when taking a shot at longer ranges .The weight stops the gun bouncing about when shooting .As i understand a hw 80 is suites power levels greater than 12 ft lbs so a hw 95 is better than a hw 80 at 12 ft lbs , but I have shot a hw 80 a little and a hw 95 never so I dont know ,but I do know MY 97k is great .

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I agree with barrywhite here. The .177 HW97K I have is an utterly brilliant rifle. That said though, I reckon the HW77 is the best spring rifle on the block. Mine is .22 and is as accurate as an air rifle possibly gets.


HW80 is the best break barrel you can buy, no question. I've been shooting Weihrauch spring rifles for many years now and I absolutely love them so, any of choice will not disappoint you. With regard to this question of weight, I really cannot see why people seem find them so hefty as to be almost unusable! They are perfectly weighted for the job of accurate shooting with them. I've taken vermin clean out with standing and kneeling shots and my favourite prone position and at some considerable ranges. They weigh the same as a military rifle, but, as an ex-forces guy I'm used to 9lb+ rifle weights and many years shooting experience besides.


You'll get used to the weight pretty quick and you'll soon appreciate how manageable it really is and it helps keep these rifles steady on aim.

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my 97k is so sweet to shoot im very happy with it .... and im sure its not modded. saying that i did buy a bsa ultra ..... single shot !!! for my daughter who complains the hw is heavy ! but then there really is nothing to her so maybe thats why she likes it. we are slowly getting better at the targets and might well try a HFT at our local club who take on beginners :)


at the end of the day its all good fun and thats what we like :)


btw my 97k is in .20 cal and seems to be very good at targets and hunting




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Im using a full length tx mk 3 which is probably very similar in weight to the 97 so i would say go for the 97 in .177 all day long. You can, like some of the lads have said kneel or rest with them and fixed barrel is a lovely thing.

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I'd say go for the HW97k ! Mainly because I have one for sale ! :boogy: Look in the adverts section!


Only selling it because I wanted a lighter rifle for squirrel shooting and I'm pretty ancient and quite small, the 97 is just a bit too heavy for swinging about in trees, but having said that it's perfect for rabbits off a rest, even standing at close ranges.post-94065-0-23663500-1400186189.jpg

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