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Pics Of Your Bushing Dogs

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couple more of ours     first pic sire and dam in middle with 2 pups either side second pic mother middle pups either side

fell/russell/beagle/bull... . are some folk trying to reinvent the wheel.            

Old pic I have .1980 ish 

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She's very quick for her size. Has grabbed a few bolters while ferreting, but hasn't always been able to hang onto them in thick cover. Not sure if it's down to inexperience or lack of jaw power.... She caught - and hung onto - her first one while bushing at the weekend :D

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I had one similar at 11, she was epic, brilliant for what I did with the rats and rabbits, she worked well on mink and would work well round water, she could swim as fast as any dog I have seen randomly, nothing like seeing a dog snap something whilst swimming!

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She mainly a busher cose or small runner I think a little half x will be a usefull runner/ferreter?


Half cross should certainly be good for ferreting and bushing. But unless you use a terrier that's well up on the leg I don't think you should expect it to be fast enough to take rabbits in the open.

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I had one similar at 11, she was epic, brilliant for what I did with the rats and rabbits, she worked well on mink and would work well round water, she could swim as fast as any dog I have seen randomly, nothing like seeing a dog snap something whilst swimming!


Sounds great. Mine's yet to really encounter water - very little of it around where i tend to hunt. She's leaped a few streams, and where they were a bit too wide for her to easily clear has fallen short and landed with a splosh, but then come straight up the bank. That doesn't really count as swimming!

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Thanks wi11ow. She's a real livewire, that's for sure. I'd say the biggest problem I've got with her is that when she's fired up she is rather prone to turning a deaf ear. Mind you, to be fair to her, when she does turn a deaf ear she nearly always pushes something out within the next 30 seconds or so :thumbs: But I don't want her to think she can just ignore me and always do her own thing...

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