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Pics Of Your Bushing Dogs

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The pup on the bottom is five months but he is very small for his age, however he is the one from the long line of workers. I had his brother who was coming on well but got killed. This pup is showing the same character. He is already out and about with the two others, he is getting amongst bushes and had no problem getting on the pheasant they bushed up on the weekend. 

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couple more of ours     first pic sire and dam in middle with 2 pups either side second pic mother middle pups either side

fell/russell/beagle/bull... . are some folk trying to reinvent the wheel.            

Old pic I have .1980 ish 

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I can't believe what happend this evening, i took the terrier for a little walk around my local park and somehow she managed to find an earth and drop in. She has never shown any interest whatsoever before and i would have put money on that  she never would have. Any way she bolted a fox from it but what i'd love to know is why now after all this time as before she was happy bushing rabbits and catching a few rats here n there. atb daywalker.

Edited by day and night walker
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10 minutes ago, dytkos said:

Strong smell, terriers thinking, hello? Let's have a look. Be careful from now on where you go :thumbs:

Cheers, D.

You're right i am gonna have to be careful from now on. She had obviously engaged with it as she was a little worse for wear when she came out, she wanted back down there but luckily i grabbed her an got the lead back on her cheers dytkos.

Edited by day and night walker
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1 hour ago, day and night walker said:

I can't believe what happend this evening, i took the terrier for a little walk around my local park and somehow she managed to find an earth and drop in. She has never shown any interest whatsoever before and i would have put money on that  she never would have. Any way she bolted a fox from it but what i'd love to know is why now after all this time as before she was happy bushing rabbits and catching a few rats here n there. atb daywalker.

Was she ever at an actual live earth before this and what age is she.

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1 hour ago, Hatch28 said:

Was she ever at an actual live earth before this and what age is she.

She has flushed a few fox from cover whilst we have been mooching about but to be honest she never got that exited about them,  it was usually straight back to the rabbits but to be fair that's all i really encouraged her to do that and the rats and up to now she hasn't even tried to get down a rabbit hole thankfully. I really hope this isn't a sign of things to come. atb. Oh and she is four n half.

Edited by day and night walker
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2 hours ago, Hatch28 said:

Its not what you encourage her to do its her own drive and breeding say she will enter to fox now from now on given the chance.

Another thing i forgot too add is that she didn't make a sound whilst she was down and even though a fox bolted she remained down there for about another 40 mins or so. The place where the earth  is next to the park i walk her, it's separated by a tall chain link fence which she slipped under. I knew she had found the earth because i saw her come out of one hole and go down another. When i got her home i had to clean her up with hibi scrub mainly under her jaw side of her face and back of the neck. atb daywalker.

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8 hours ago, squirell1 said:

nothing worst than a bushing dog going to earth can mess a day up :acute:

Thats what's worrying me now is she gonna start doing that when she's out rabbiting and as we all know fox's to ground can show up anywhere esp if there's rabbit warrens about. The worse thing is is that she not a bad little busher, i just hope she is not gonna turn her attention to those red fellas from now on. atb.

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